Ok i judge i am about to start my time of year does anyone know some symptoms i should look for?


Has anyone ever mistaken you for being preggers when you arent?

I can help out you with that. I remember when I started mine it be in close to 7th grade. You are going to consistency achy(cramps), your back and below your belly button roughly where your pant go will sting. You might feel fatigue a bit not wanting any one around. This is merely the first time. If it gets fruitless get some Pamprin or Midol. I hope it help and you definitely will be okay. I hope this section of your life will walk smoothly.

Vagina Throbbing and Pain?

r u feeling bitchy?

Pms-any tips on ways to lessen the blood flow?

Brown, pink or red discharge in your underwear is the lone thing that say you are starting your period.

I not sure what exactly anemic is and I be just told I enjoy it?

Not really.

My body hurts!?

bigger boobs!! back problems.. bloating..fitague? dry mouth. irritabliltiy.. sickness sense..

How to reduce menstrual pains?

for the first time no. but headache, irritable attitude, and fatigue are most common for me.

Ur time stops in hose down?

Everybodys different, maybe some cramping, you might thought some spotting, moodiness, you may feel a moment or two on the tired side.

Should I go rear legs on birth control? Women and health proffesionals solitary please?

Well it depends on your body. Mine I has discharge the week formerly, swollen boobs and bloated w/ a weight gain of 5 pounds and a headache the light of day before!

What can you do for personal dryness besides Lubs and repleans?

Your asking me?

Whats an Orgasm?

look for bloating, sore breasts, grumpiness, tiredness, headache. If this is your first period, progress to your doctor or clinic and ask some questions. Don't be embarassed.

Birth Control and symptoms during your spell?

blood in your panties is a huge tip bad.

Will my birth control pills work?

Because of hormonal changes, right beforehand your period you could experience abdominal cramping, headache, breast tenderness, mood alterations (PMS!), and sea retention (bloating).

It is different though for every woman every cycle. Some women have no signs or symptoms in the past they start; some may have adjectives of them.

Female **?

Cramps, that is the 1st symptom, you will find yourself moody, or sensitive, and your breast will hurt somewhat bit.
Go to www.period.com, is intensely a very devout website and you can actually track your time dates on splash.

Hormonal contraceptives?

burning in your upper back lower backbone pain, tired sometimes burst of activeness, bloat in the belly, the oh so obvious cramping, breast discomfort, and maybe a touch emotional side more than usual.. I would start keeping a calandar likewhen you stop count 28 days and that should put you on your subsequent start date

Girls help please!!!!!**?

moodiness, tried, chocolate cravings, and greasy food craving

Bloating cramps and gas

Vaginal Bleeding, what is cause it?

dark discharge in ya knicks ermm jus win some pads!! an dnt wear white trousers untill u acctually come on then it stops.

Do you infer a B cup women can get away minus wearing a bra?

Some symptoms to look for are: lower abdominal cramping, headaches, backbone aches, premonition nauseated, vomiting, fatigue, or fainting. There may be more symptoms, and I'm sure within are, but these are just a few. The symptoms ebb and flow with different individuals.

Ok so i in recent times wanna know?

it sucks look for that

My gyno did a pap on me and said I have glorious risk HPV..?

Mood swings, cramping, tender or sore breasts & a difference in discharge which in found int the crotch of your panties.

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