What treatments should I consider for a fibroid?

I am a 30year old feminine. I got married 7months ago and we enjoy been trying to go and get pregnant since then. Before marital, I was not on any pills, I own never taken one... What I practised was stinginess.. I am sure it may sound unnatural!
I went for an ultrasound when I notice a palpable mass in my lower abdominal region, a moment ago inferior to the belly button and I was told I hold a large fibroid growing out of the posterior wall of the fundus of the uterus. uterus and ovaries be normal. The fibroid itself measured 9*7*2, larger than the uterus measure ~ 8cm, forgot other dimensions. it is however asymptomatic.. no pain, no bleeding, no blood spotting..
I am awaiting a referral to a specialist, but my doctor told me that the feasible effective solution is a surgery.
I enjoy been really disturbed, I really want to own children..... What do you think..? how successful is the promising outcome of surgery and is there any other treatment.. Is the fibroid preventing me from getting pregnant?

A lads discussion nearly Dildo's?

i am sorry to hear that
Freedom from Fibroids,
without the worries of surgery.

Embolization is a medical credit that shrinks uterine fibroids. One tiny incision allows us to solve the problem quickly, soundly and without surgery. Fibroids: Uterine Fibroid Tumor Treatment minus Hysterectomy, at the Fibroid Treatment CollectiveIf you have fibroids and you don't want a hysterectomy, you should know going on for Uterine Fibroid Embolization. terine Artery Embolization: The Non-Surgical Cure for Fibroid Tumors.

Embolization has existed as a medical procedure since 1975. In gynecology it be used to reduce bleeding during uterine surgery. Founding member of the Fibroid Treatment Collective noticed another big effect. It shrank fibroids. The promise of an effective, non-invasive treatment lead to research, trials and medical acceptance. Today more than several hundred thousand women world-wide hold found relief beside this safe, simple procedure. The Fibroid Treatment Collective perform the very first fibroid embolization within America, and has perfect the procedure with thousands of successful treatments to date.

I'm have a laparoscopy next week anyone have one what's it like?

I am 30 near a similar size fibroid-I am in a similar situation and enjoy done a ton of reading/research. First of all, these are completely, very adjectives. Surgery can be risky if you want to get pregnant because of scar,etc and hysterectomies are performed style too often because of fibroids. Many women gain pregnant and have particularly healthy babies. I own heard that during pregnancy 1/3 will take smaller, 1/3 will get larger and 1/3 will stay like. You have to ask yourself why is it nearby? Something is out of balance surrounded by our bodies. I am currently using cream of natural progesterone as here is alot of info that fibroids are caused by hormone inequality. I am also going for regular acupuncture treatments. Goggle Uterine fibroids and progesterone and you will be reading all dark. I could go on and on but my best advise-go see a naturopatic doctor. The solitary option you are going to catch from traditional medicine is surgery .

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