What are the best home remedies for Constipation?

My roommate is having some problems...okay, to the point, she's as constipated as...powerfully, I don't know what, but can you guys give me some home remedies to abet get rid of it?


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I hold tried TONS of stuff in times past and the BEST and speediest thing is magnesium supplements, better again if you can get hold of it in dissolvable form but tablets work fine. Take roughly twice the recommended daily dose and work up if vital. It s not harmful to do that. loads of sea too. also make sure your roomate is not ingestion too many wheat base high cellulose cereals close to albran etc, this can surprisingly make the problem alot worse.(Alot of race -like me- are allergic to wheat so the result is all of the bloat and none of the action! Good Luck!!

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she can get interim relief near something like ex-lax or milk of magnesia. these should not be used long occupancy.

she needs to go and get more fiber. one easy opening it to buy some psyllium (Metamucil) and mix it in liquid or water contained by the am

start with one heap tablespoon then move up to 4 a hours of daylight.

Heavy periods?

What would work really prompt is an enema. I know, gross, but it WILL work in around an hour.

What does it mean that you preserve getting brownish discharge stains?

karo syrup in water.

Want to know almost duphaston?

swallow a piece of cheese.
then, swallow a mouse.

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