Is it normal to bleed adjectives the time everyday?

I have a four year antiquated daughter born by c-section i have not have a period since i get pregnant with her. Six months ago I started bleeding everyday day in and day out. It started when i started have sex again. What should i do and is this normal.

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I'd say this isn't usual at all, jump see a DIFFERENT doctor asap!

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Whoa! It is not normal! Please see a doctor or clinic! Maybe you hold fibriods.

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make an appointment next to your gyn and discuss the symptoms.

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That does not sound highly good. As far as I know the time of year is supposed to start again a few months after the baby is born (regardless of method of birth). Bleeding every year is definitely not a obedient sign- it can be caused by masses things, some not too worrisome, and some quite troubling. You involve to go see your doctor so they can check you out.

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No this is not everyday by any standards. Go and get it checked by your doctor. Why own you waited so long earlier telling anyone nearly it.?

This is about contraceptive tablets?

I don't expect this is shouldn't be checking the inevitability to speak with beside your doctor.
I hope you'll feel better.

Im 19 and am have not so normal period?

contact your doctor and make an appointment don't consent to us be the judge your doctor know you

Tampon help?

No Hun not middle-of-the-road at all i suggest you see your GP

Am i still growing?

If you are menstruating adjectives the time you should consult your GP. It is not a normal condition and will soon result surrounded by anaemia if left untreated. The underlying grounds for the bleeding needs to be investigated straight away. Do not idle away time, make an appointment immediately.

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