Is within any side effects?

are there any side effects to taking birth control pills?

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Taking any kind of medication has side effects. To be specific you would inevitability to know which brand you are thinking about.

In general, birth control cause:
* Weight gain
* Increase or decrease in acne
* Nausea and vomiting (particularly for the first few cycles)
* Dizziness
* Headaches
* Depression
* Vaginal infections
* High blood pressure
* Loss of libido

These are pretty much hit or miss. Some women own no problems on one type while another woman may get every side effect. That's why there are so copious different brands out there. What doesn't work for some may work for you..
There are side effects to taking any medication.
If you have some already, check the insert that comes beside the pills. Don't freak out, however, when you see all of the side effects reported. The FDA has to inventory ALL possible side effects, even if only a few women exhibited them.
I've heard freight gain and sensitivity to sunlight are a few.
I took the pill for several years, however, and had no problems at all..
in attendance are many, it depends which type you take. if you smoke it is really impossible to take them, they can cause heart attacks and deeply of other things.

check these sites out.
Yes, there is weight gain, and headache. I am on the pill, and I can say aloud i have gained consignment from taking bc. Just exercise and eat well. You should be fine. Yes they are but they are extremely rare. Look up on a search engine on the computer or your local robustness department will tell you..
There is a side effect of a delayed period. you know, i dont know the answer but thats a fitting question

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