How do you find out if you are intersexed?

I am 18 years of age I have normally suspected that my gender be changed at birth I was brought up mannish but always feel that I was feminine and developed breasts and curves along with womanly features, However i was adopt after birth, I was raise as male until i be 16 when i started to live as a female, I also own what would be called micropenis and am desperate to become a women, Is at hand any way to find out if my sex be changed at birth or if you are intersexed

DO GIRLS masturbate?

you need to gain a lawyer and contact the adoption agency to find out.and if they did remove a cut of your body you could sue then to own it changed back.if you can acquire erections and ejaculate you were born as Male.since you do not function as a mannish and if you have no other physical problems i would voice your suspicion is true and whoever did the surgery on you made a big probably were robbed of your probability at having children or a commonplace sex life.jump to a doctor for a complete physical and have your blood tested to see what is wrong.if you are correct a malpractice suit is unambiguously needed.

My period have stopped suddenly and its my first day what is this?

Interesting ask. You could go to to a specialist within the sex organs... urologist. Ask for an ultrasound to see if you have any remnant organs.

Good luck to you. Remember sometimes physical attributes don't dictate who you are. Do what you be aware of is right in your heart.

I'm 14 and i reflect on im bout to start. what do i do when my period starts?

I agree, interesting query. I'd say you stipulation to discuss this with a doctor. A physical exam and a genetic analysis may sygnify something. I'd also suggest discussing this next to your adoptive parents, they may know something about it, or they may not. Regardless of the outcome though, I'm really proud of you for individual confident and courageous enough to breed this decision going on for your gender. I own a friend going through somethng similar and she is having a really not easy time with it, so I know what it take to be open more or less it. good luck beside eveything!

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