Can a vergin girl feed a child with her breasts and take milk or she mus have have sex before to procure milk ?


Any ideas on some bigger boobs?

Actually all these ppl are wrong, nearby are some WOMEN I have hear that have be able to breastfeed their adopt infants an OB can prescribe meds that can cause a body to produce this hormone and variety milk. Heres a few examples, it's called induced lactation

My boobs touch a little bit heavier and me and my boyfriend own not been useing a condom but he pulled out eve

You own to be pregnant to breast feed.

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A woman's body doesn't produce milk until she's pregnant with a newborn. The pregnancy hormones are what triggers the release of the hormone that causes milk production.

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Pregnant women only switch on to lactate because of the presence of certain hormones due to the pregnancy. If sucking on nipples be all it took to bring milk, I'd own a white mustache all the time.

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Lactation comes after childbirth. Wonders may happen but it is almost impossible for a virgin to breast nurture a baby. And what is the entail?

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You must be or have be pregnant in lay down to produce milk. This is why cows, dogs, cats and all other mammals can nurture their young after pregnancy. Cows on factory farm will be re-impregnated (most times artificially with a syringe and sperm) if they stop giving milk, which eventually wear the cow's body out (and probably her mind, too!)
Anyway -- no, virgin girls will not produce milk "just so".

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she has to develop first. after you enjoy a baby is when milk production stars although, production can be forced but, i don't know exactly how it's done. adoptive mothers hold been specified to breast feed. but close to i say,first, the girl have to have gone through puberty and be of child attitude age.

Just started to take BC, and hold a few questions!?

nah, when you become pregnant your body gain new pregnancy hormones. singular THEN does ur body start producing milk. its not like every girl everywhere is running around next to milk.

thats why when women are pregnant their boobs get bigger, its because of the milk production. her body is preparing for the arrival of the little one.

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