Im 19 and am have not so normal period?

I am 19 years old.
i enjoy had my length since 13 and they have be regular for the past few years... but just now the past few months... I enjoy been bleeding so robust its insane. I used to only enjoy to use Regulars towards the end and supers similar to 2 days in the origin... now a super PLUS will one and only last me 2 hours at the most up to that time needing to devolution it again. I have never bled this hard to digest and have never have such huge blood clots. Seriously every time I've had my term these past few times, i attain scared am and wondering if its a misscariage or soemthing (but i dont enjoy sex often due to bf human being away from that possible?) the blood clots (im hoping that what they are) are inches long and kind of look close to sacs, i dont stingy to be nasty but i will verbs thetampon out and the clot will still be on the tampon, and as im removing it.. im like.. removing it out of me STILL. its so gross, ive talk to my mother... she said its normal... n e 1 enjoy any info? thank you!

Breast tenderness?

this sounds freshly like me and i posted a ? resembling this awhile back. however, this is not majority. for me, i started out with have no period (2x a yr) to resembling 3 weeks of bleeding a month. at times, a super plus kotex would need to be changed within 10 min. i had a sonogram which showed that the inside layer in my uterus be thickened. this lead to having a d&c and anyone on the pill or metformin for the rest of my lovely life. i am not a medication person and forgot to filch my med everyday, so the d&c only help for about 2 months. in a minute i am back contained by the same place as b4.
if it be a miscarrage, it wouldn't keep scheduled. there could also be a prob next to a tumor, cancer, cyst, indemetreous, a number of things. however, this sounds approaching the same prob i have. if this has gone on for awhile, you will probley entail a d&c to scrap that extra inside layer out.
hope you get better soon and i know how u consistency.

Kinda of embarrassing?

When I be younger (like 16-17) I had like peas in a pod issue.
I got on the depo shot and it in truth just stopped my period all together. To this daytime I still don't get ordinary periods..but at lowest possible that nasty brawny stuff stopped.. It used to scare me abundantly too and it would stop me from being competent to go out and do things. It be horrible, so I know how you feel..and I hope that it clears up soon. Are you on any type of birth conrtol? It can assistance sometimes, as it did for me..

Is it normal?

I be the same & my gyne advise me to stop using tampons...because they act resembling a wick and draw on the flow.
I was also put on a mild birth control pill which help...stop using the tampons though, they really aren't designed for women with a thickset flow.

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