Is anal intercouse painfull after a couple of days?

When me and my boyfriend have sex we sometimes own anal intercourse, and a coulpe days ago we did, but it was a bit painfull for me because I wasen't in the mood. Usually when I win really excited I have no problem, but when im not it come across's to be more painfull. Two day's ago we did and presently I can't even go to the bathroom because it hurts and i bleed is that usual?

Skin discoloration.?

As you pointed out the point lies in the certainty that you were not surrounded by the mood and therefore you be not ready for it. Thats why two days after have it being done to you reluctantly it still hurts.

It will dissapper after few more days when the sensetive skin around your anus treat completly. But make sure that your boyfriend never practice it again when you are not in the mood and unawares for it. Furthermore, you need to be prepared for it; lots of lube and foreplay to relax the muscles around your anus.

Thats is the clandestine of it and the division line between misery and pleasusre of anal intercourse.

All the best!/

Implanon users!?

Ask your mom. She'll be very pleased that you come to her with a problem.

My girlfriend have many pimples on her bottom. How can I craft them go away and stay away?

I don't own any experience, but it sounds like you tore or injured something. Better travel to the doctor, you don't want bacterial waste subsequent to an open wound.

Girls just!!!!1?

Not only can it be sensitive, it's flat-out dangerous. Ask any doctor. For example, the risk of HIV nouns is FIFTY times greater with anal sex when compared to vaginal sex. Even if you're sure your partner doesn't hold HIV, there's still serious risks of other kind of infections, anal fissures, and all kind of other problems you don't want.

A question: if you weren't surrounded by the mood at the time, why did you go ahead and do it? That doesn't exactly nouns like a psychologically respectable thing to do, does it?


I hope you use PLENTY of Lubrication!

I own decided to catch off the depo shot after almost 3 years. What can I expect coming stale of it?

This is a very insecure and sick practice and it is very harmful for your body. You should see a doctor right away and hope that you haven't done any permanent defile to yourself by your irresponsible behavior. You should tell your boyfriend that if he ever tries to engender you submit to him in that disgusting attitude again you will have him prosecuted for sodomy. This shows that any deed that leaves a woman bleeding and in pain cannot ever be amusing and is actually swearing.

All of the flat girl wear bras and i dont! it is so embarassing!?

i personally obtain the exact same thing.
contained by the mood its ok .. hurts a bit, but not much
when im not that into it, it hurts and will do for a couple of days,
going to the loo hurts a LOT for the first day id speak, and i have get bleeding once or twice

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