This is almost contraceptive tablets?

I am taking "Familon" contraceptive tablets which has 21 table to take according to the days flawed for three months now. I am not sure to speak after taking them but I gain my weight and also impressively little bleeding during the mensions. I want to know is it common when using this or is it uncharacteristic? If anyboday take one and the same tablet please let me know your experience. And is it alright to have sex during the rest date (which takes no tablets for 7 days)?

Help.. please? weightiness related.?

Weight gain OR loss are common side effects of taking hormones. With a touch care contained by your diet and a little increase in exercise, this should be uncomplicated to deal next to.

Having much lighter periods is extremely middle-of-the-road using oral contraceptives and most women and doctor consider it a real assistance. Fewer days of mess and discomfort and best of all smaller amount blood loss that reduces the likelihood of being anemic are even reason to take "the pill" even when contraception isn't the issue.

Sex during the 7 bad days is also protected as long as you are taking the pills as directed the rest of the time. This applies whatever the brand of combination pills.

But I'm a bit concerned that you be not given more information by whoever prescribed your pills and that you seem not comfortable seeking this information from him or her. If you hold questions roughly any medication, always discuss it beside the doctor. Pharmacists can also help next to this..

I am a girl, but I'm really tall. I surface like everyone looks at me similar to I'm a freak. help?

most birth control pills take home you gain a little bit of weightiness, that is adjectives. and they also make you enjoy lighter periods. masses women take them basically for this reason. i see it as a well-mannered thing, dont verbs.

Birth Control Pills for physically active women?

you dont gain counterweight with yazmin....

I hold friends who took birth controls and gained roughly speaking 30-70 lbs each.

use a condom.

What size are our boobs?

thats run of the mill. yes you can have sex on your no pill days and you are still protected.

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