What method of crude childbirth was name after a French doc who taught adjectives moms to prepare physically an

What method of natural childbirth be named after a French doc who skilled future moms to prepare physically and psychologically for headache?

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Lamaze - most hospitals teach classes prior to labor and transport. It's a program based on preparedness, breathing techiques and focus to assistance get long-gone the painful contractions and supposedly abet avoid pain meds, although seriously of moms use the two in conjunction to really relish the experience. You can use meds, it helps you involve less of them.

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WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING THIS QUESTION??? You've already asked it at least twice that I can see and folks have responded both times that LAMAZE is the answer! Unless you're looking for something else.....

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Lamaze for CISNFM

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What method of natural childbirth be named after a French doc who skilled future moms to prepare physically and psychologically for spasm?

LAMAZE is the us99 trivia answer.

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In the 1950's, a French obstetrician name Ferdinand Lamaze observed Russian women in labor using a method known as "Psychoprofilaxis" -- this literally money "mind prevention." He altered the method to fit into Western culture. Dr. Lamaze referred to this technique as "painless childbirth."
In reality, we know better. There really is no such item as "painless" childbirth. This method involves the use of distraction, during contractions, to decrease the perception of dull pain or discomfort.
Several key points used here technique include:
o Controlled deep breathing.
o Light work of the abdomen.
o Concentrating on a focal point -- this could be a photograph, or a flower, or any intent.
o The coach is very much involved.
o Lamaze allows the woman own control over her body and help next to her labor management.
The Lamaze method of assignment can help cut back the pain of labor and birth. Relaxation is the cornerstone of comfort during labor. Lamaze educate the patient roughly speaking labor and delivery as do other methods and will hopefully assistance her enjoy the experience of bringing her up to date baby into the world.


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The Lamaze Method is the correct answer.........

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Lamaze is the correct answer for the KILT radio trivia.

HELP!! i dont know wats wrong wit me!?

LAMANS worked for COUNTRY 92.5 Radio trivia

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Lamaze is the correct answer for the radio trivia.

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Any tips to help me?

EASY--- A clueless masculine who has never experienced childbirth. LaMaze

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