HELP!! i dont know wats wrong wit me!?

ok im 14 and a girl and i keep getting aching like cramps but adjectives the time and every time i pee it burns like a bladder infection and i hold a yelowish color discarge and i dont live wit my mom and im scared to detail my dad but wat could it be and wa tshould i do?!

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you might just want to clean "down there" but i guess you have to share your dad. you don't have to be specific. merely say: dad i obligation to go to the doctors. and if he asks why only say girls stuff and he wont ask any question!

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sounds like u enjoy a urine infection... u need to c the Doc... jst narrate u'r dad that u r having womanly problems & need to c the doc. IF he does ask, lately tell him u'r have trouble w/ u think u enjoy a yeast infection. Then he won't bother u, then relate him afterwards it was anything...

get to the Doc or it can return with worst

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It could be a bladder infection or a urine infection. everyone can get them from time to time. you don't own to be ashamed and not tell your Dad. you a short time ago need some simple anti-biotics from your relations Doctor to cure it.

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Go to wander in clinic or your doctor if you own one.
Its probably just a yeast infection or approaching you said a UTI (urinary tract infection)
If you've been sexually alive make sure to be honest next to the doc, it could be something else that needs a different type of medication. But I'm thinking a yeast infection so a few days on
antibiotics and you should be fine. No problem, most women get them at tiniest a few times in their lives!!

Good Luck!
p.s. could you telephone your mom, or an aunt, or a best friends mom, school nurse. Might kind you feel better. And honestly I bet dad wouldn't mind a bit if you talk to him about it!

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Sounds similar to you could have a vaginal or yeast infection. It depends on your dad, but he is probably familiarized with this from living long enuf to be a dad.

This might be a yeast infection - which is adjectives with girls who wear thongs or wipe "the wrong way".

It is imperative, next to all the "nasties" out within, that you get checked out by a gynocologist. You are 14 and this is not too childish for an initial checkup with one.

If you own any older womanly in your existence you can confide in, hopefully someone who can support your dad that this doesn't mean his daughter is "wild" and wishes to be locked away :), then you involve to discuss this.

Otherwise, just make clear to dad you are noticing spot on changes that come next to growing up and its time for that first gyno appt.

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Your first bet is to drink plenty of water attach a little apple cider vinegar to the sea.
Sit in the tub and put apple-cider vinegar in your tub water.
Bathe suitable and rinse with hot and after cold water down at hand.
Wipe with any aloe vera or olive oil or canola grease and see if it clears up.
It may be u have be drinking too many drinks lately.
I have this trouble one time with my juvenile daughter.
Fill an empty pepsi bottle next to hot water and put it where on earth u hurt. If u are not well by morn. walk to the doc and get meds.

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You need to shift to a doctor. It is probably some type of infection. Talk to your dad, he wants you to be on form.

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