Any tips to give support to me?

I got bullied plentifully this year.
People called me plump, ugly and said i look approaching a man.
What are some tips to make me be a knockout when I come posterior to school within september?
I'm going to be a freshman and I want to prove to everybody that I'm not like I am immediately.

I want a whole body transfermation.

How can I variety myself feel exquisite?


What is the best deoderant for woman with BO?

It's esteemed to remember that regardless of what other kids may say, true attractiveness comes from the inside. And how you feel in the region of yourself inside will reflect on the outside. Usual guidance? Eat balanced meal, cut out the junk food, bring plenty of rest and daily groom yourself (shower...etc). Have a few okay chosen outfits (you don't need to spend alot of $) that flatter your body type. I consider the most beautiful piece one can do and it doesn't cost a dime is smile! Work on that sweet smile of yours. The negative belief of others is actually a care of THEM, not you. Some kids need to hole others down in demand to build themselves up. Don't believe their lies.

Why do my breasts hurt after my period?

WELL, start by consumption alot healthier and working out 5 times a week. afterwards, go buy some really cute clothes from hollister, am. eagle, aeropastale, or abercrombie! subsequent get a total contemporary hair makeover that u will touch good nearly. now turn to the M.A.C or clinique makeup counter and they will show how to do makeup that looks good on u! near, now u own a complete total makepver!

4 girls only! why is near an odour ? do all girls own this odour in the feminine se x? please answer !?

Well, you can do a lot of things to your body, but they might not exactly sort you FEEL beautiful.

You can work on your body, excersize, guzzle well, filch care of yourself. You can play around next to different types of makeup, hairstyles and hair colors. You can do a ton of different things, but if you don't think you're superb, neither will anyone else.

You'd be surprised at how much your attitude will effect how people see you. If you hold your leader up with confidence and know that you look correct, others will see that too

I'm sorry you were made fun of closely this year, I know how much it hurts. Highschool is different, sometimes harder, sometimes easier. Just remember that you ARE beautiful. If you put in the picture yourself this and believe it, others will see it too.

Question for girls that think guys are JERKS!!?

first of adjectives you can change your profile picture on here to something thats not a guy and after you might feel close to a girl more change it to a chick so nation on here dont think your a dude also, cuz honestly i quality like im going away this answer to a dude not a chick, later bro gratitude for the man to man talk!

Ladies I involve advice!!?

work out and be sooo hot!! But dont walk anorexic or anything lose the healthy agency

wear trendy clothes like hollister and abercrombie and cool shorts and ripped jeans.

wear makeup that make you look pretty

always enjoy your nails painted

Have your fuzz curly sometimes and straight others

Go into a beauty store and capture like a total bunch of stuff and a WHOLE NEW WARDROBE.

Good luck!

My period still hasn't arrive.. i'm 4 days unpunctually.. should i be worried?

First of all turn on a diet and exercise daily to seize a good tone. ( Go to the Gym and bear walks) This will definitely gain you skinnier. WARNING DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!

If you have a mustache shave it. Shave it once contained by a while. ( If you have a growing mustache cuz they ring up you a man)

Get a new and enhanced hair do.

Pluck you eyebrow spine. Do not pluck too much of your eyebrow hair! And trademark sure it's even.

If you haven't, Pierce you ears. If you have get strange earrings you can get some and attain your ears pierced at Claires.

Go on a shopping spree get the hottest trends. Also get contemporary and different shoes to try to match your outfits. Here are some perfect brands in style: abercombie, abercombie & Fitch, hollister, aeropostale, delicious couture, von dutch, american eagle, banana republic, J-Crew, french connection. Also move about get some vogue magazines close to Vogue.

If you have no eyelashes get hold of some fake eyelashes. If your elderly enough wear net up. But not too much go to a department store and they own a make up counter.

Wear staple polish!! You can always buy copied nails. Also achieve a french manicure it's the best!

Clothing- wear skirts with leggings. do not i repeat dress resembling a nerd!

Glasses- If you hold glasses receive some contacts fast!

Braces- If you enjoy braces it's ok they look fabulous!

If you have enjoy leg hair shave it once surrounded by a while.

If you have rough or crooked teeth or bad teeth find some braces. If you have pale teeth try crest whitening. If you have unpromising breath try listerine and chew gum or eat mints.

If you have armpit down shave it and if you have body odor use perfume, deodorant.

Try to wear jewelry. Like necklaces, rings, earrings, anklets, bracelets, bangles, watches, etc. ( YOU CAN GET THESE AT CLARIES)

Try to get a cellphone if you don't hold one and if you do get a fresh and stylish one.

If you go to college get a nice and stylish backpack.

If you don't wear a bra start to in a minute. If you don;t have boobs... nearby's nothing i can do girls progress at their own pace.

If you enjoy dry and chapped lips use a chapstick. If not use lipgloss.

If you enjoy acne go see a dermatologist and use moisturizers and cleansers. Try to get hold of a facial twice a week.

Wash your hair day by day.

Dry skin? Use lotions.

This is all i can give support to you with but try to bring magazines approaching vogue, seventeen, teen vogue, Elle to sharpen and make you look stunning. =) Good Luck!!

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