Itch after using bath oil beads?

Short story. Took a hip bath several days ago using tub grease bead. Skin feel great, but I've get a murderer itch within the nether regions. I've showered, bathed, tried cream too. But my backside won't stop itching. Any philosophy for something that will aid? No, miserably I'm not playing around, but it would be really funny if it didn't hurt. LOL

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Golden rule of yeast infections...never use oil of any sort within that nouns. some ancestors enjoy made use of tot grease, for example, only to find out the rock-hard agency that it is one of the biggest culprits for YI.
You can use an over the counter medication approaching Monistat etc. Some relatives own adverse reaction to these medication and you may obligation to use a prescription approaching Diflucan.

Have you hear of this??

Sounds similar to a yeast infection so pick up some athletes foot cream or vaginal yeast cream. Since this happen near hip bath grease bead you should stay away from using products in the tub tub and stick to showers.


You have an allergic spontaneous effect. Put some cortizone lotion on it, and stay away from the oil. If it doesn't attain better, afterwards you requirement to see a doctor. If the itch contained by within personal areas, don't use the cortizone, as it could be too strong. Call your doctor.

I am on seasonal and hold be on it for two months and i enjoy have my spell for over a month is that narmal?

You may hold a slight allergy. if you can bring back ahold of medicated eucerin lotion.. ask your doctor if in attendance is a prescription strength.. it have steroids contained by it, and will clear it up for you.

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You may hold developed a yeast infection; if you hold never have one, it is characterized by a shameful, bothersome itch and usually a white discharge. Most over-the-counter remedies work ok on it. You might also try using a medicated douche. Wear cotton underwear, not nylon, and don't wear panties a hours of darkness so nouns can circulate. Stay away from anymore odorous hip bath products. If the over-the-counter stuff doesn't work, you entail to carry to the doctor.

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It sounds similar to you hold a contact dermatitis (fancy word for skin irritation) in response to the hip bath bead. That's pretty adjectives, and it's best for most of us to avoid products that own perfume or colors contained by them. Those additives are commonly the explanation of dermatitis. If you changed any other soaps, i.e. laundry soap, that could inflict it. too.

It's also possible that you hold a vulvitis or vaginitis as a result of a fungal or bacterial infection.

Yeast infections are characterized by a gummy white, washed out or greenish discharge that looks similar to cottage cheese, but you may still enjoy one even if here isn't too much of a discharge.

It could also be a bacterial infection. Those are characterized by a liquid grey discharge that have a outrageous odor, fishy, especially after you enjoy sex.

The singular process for sure to know is to step to see a doctor. You can also try a cortisone cream surrounded by the show time. It's OK to do that temporarily. But don't douche, that may formulate things worse.

Good luck, and I hope you discern better soon!

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You might be allergic to the indgrediants.

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