Girls only!! really mortifying..?

I am a 15 year old girl. I enjoy acne on my face and a bit on my chest and back. I wear makeup on my facade to cover it, and am too self conscience to go in need it. I am also very furred. I have down on virtually every part of my body (except for my legs, as I shave them). This includes my stomache, d??colletage, and back. So, as a result of these two things, I hatred going swimming. I love being surrounded by the water, but I'm approach too embarrassed to wear a bathing suit, and be in motion make up free, within front of anyone. Help!?!?!?!

Is this a bruise or is it something bad?

Well enjoy you ever thought of getting waxed or using Nair? For the acne business is totally ordinary! You should love the person who you are. It matter what's on the inside not the outside. Ignore your outter apperence love yourself!
If you don't like that I recomand ProActiv or how every you spell it or Clearasil Ultra (how ever you spell it)!
Good Lucks!

Oh if someone say your eating the wrong item! THEY'RE WRONG!
Acne is caused by grease pores in you skin it's not cause by food!
Your just going to puberty.

Quick ask..y does sex have to hurt for girls.?

I would be in motion to the doctor, you may have a hormonal lack of correspondence. HTH

Chronic Headaches- I am plagued by constant headaches. Any design as to what my malady may be?

Well maybe turn with proactive, and shave sour all the tresses off.

I am nursing, should I try to loose counterbalance?

If you have tresses growing on your tummy and back, you necessitate to get your hormones checked out, i.e. a sign of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Acne is also a symptom of this. Make a doctor's appointment and get it checked out, you don't want to be in motion through life mortal ashamed of who you are.

Water Hose Enema?

Shave.Wax. Acne Cream. Stop eating the wrong things!

Ovarian cyst or pregnant?

i would suggest going to see a dermatologist. request a womanly one. once there, they will probably prescribe you some antibiotics and topical treatment for your acne. For your curls, they can suggest which methods would be best to remove the hair (shaving, wax, depilatories, laser, etc). best of luck

Is nair safe to use on my "Area"?

For the acne.. try proactive.. that stuff really works.

And the tresses.. Get some Nair its really easy to use and the results ultimate a long time. They also have Nair specifically for the obverse.

I dont take my birth control at EXACTLY impossible to tell apart time everyday. Will that effect the prevention of pregnancy?

Honey, this is because you probably have a hormone inconsistency. You need to own your mom take you to a GYN (or even a regular doctor) - they'll do a simple blood examination, just to be sure. If your testosterone even is too high, they'll put you on a birth control pill so your spike will stop growing & your acne will clear up within a month even!
If it turns out that your testosterone rank really is too high, it's something you'll necessitate to remember in the adjectives - it could be a side effect of something like PCOS so your doctor will want to know something like it.

Need help!!?

i own this same problem and here is the advice that i can donate you that workd for me. the best thing to use on your frontage is either nuetrogena, which is cheaper and more convinient than the following but works almost a short time ago as well. proactive is terribly good alongside something proscribed by the doctor. ask your mother if you can catch your bikini line wax or something, as for your neck, stomach and hindmost i do not know but chances are you arent the merely one who has seriously of hair, i do and lately to let you know im 3 years younger than you too so dont perceive bad! also something like the makeup when you wash it sour your face dont only wash it past its sell-by date with makeup remover also use fregular facewash, similar to the ones listed above, and rinse near warm dampen and then next to cold water to close your pores and block anymore microbes from getting in and NO TOUCHING YOUR FACE!

Women only!?

You nouns like you're have a really rough time without proper warning. Ask your GP to refer you to a hospital dermatologist.

If the acne is really bad, they can put you on Roccuatane (steroid treatment), which apparently have good effects.

Also (re the fuzz growth) they will look to see whether you have polycystic ovary syndrome, which cause excessive hair growth and they can treat this.

As for the swimming - Darling, for adjectives your worries, you are a gorgeous young girl - if you are self conscious, wrap a towel round you. If you love swimming, don't consent to anything stop you from doing what you love - it's brilliant for your health and will save you looking and feeling fabulous whilst you sort these other minor vigour problems. Don't let these things attain you down - tackle them by chitchat to your doctor and insisting he / she refers you on to a specialist.

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Ok, as for the acne problem, I recommend ProActive body rinse (they make facade wash too). I am contained by my 30's and have suffered form acne since my teens, trying almost every product you can suppose, and this stuff REALLY works! Now, if you want, you can purchase this on their website, but you have to associate a club and it gets charged to you and sent automatically every month. If you are similar to me, and that does not appeal to you, you can always find it on ebay. That is where on earth I always purchase mine. As for the excess mane, I would see a salon about wax. It may be a little bit rough in the dawn (finding a good reputable salon near someone who is experienced will help) and keep within mind, the hair will grow wager on and be thinner, thus less stinging to wax the next time. Best of luck to you friend :)

Any tips to muffle severe bloating?

Don't listen to the person who say 'stop eating the wrong things' because acne most credible has especially little to do with what you put away. Neutrogena makes a body clean up for body acne-- many culture suffer from acne on their chests and back, deplorably. You could try waxing for the hair-- but you probably see it much more than anyone else does. I would recommend a trip to the dermatologist for troublesome acne, but there are masses over the counter creams you could try-- look for something with salycylic acerbic or benzoyl peroxide.

You don't have to budge makeup free at the pool-- wear a long lasting foundation and sea proof mascara.

Why after you have sex your stomach hurt?

id use a facial bleach tackle! it works really well and you can use it on your facade, neck,stomach, and hindmost ! it lightens your hairs so they look invisible ! .. as for the acne on your subsidise, id start dry brushing , it help the blood circulate better, and will help.adjectives you have to do is get hold of a dry bristle brush and brush wherever you hold the acne before you skip into the shower, while your in there , rinse out your body with the proactive body clean, it works really good ! they market the brushes at your local health food store .

hope this help !

I'm in my teens and i enjoy painfull periods should i see my doctor?

makeup with the sole purpose makes ur acne worse cuz it clogs up ur pores. and basically put nair or somekind of hair removing stuff on ur self where on earth ever u think the down needs to move about

Ovary cysts and pregnancy! help please!!?

You might enjoy skin problems. I have eczema and I know how you grain. It is horrible. You can try using Eucerin cream. And try avoiding soap. That can irritate your skin. Some fabric softners or detergeants can also irritate your skin. After showers, pat dry instead of rubbing your skin and get sure you don't shower in really hot sea. A dermatologist can also give you some warning. As for your harriness, try waxing. Whatever you do, don't shave your put money on or arms. The hair will lone grow back thicker and you will hold to keep up next to the shaving. Good luck!

Smear test?

wax your body

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