What would you do if you found out your daughter be masturbating?

I'm just wondering how do you muse a mother, or father for that matter, would take action.

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I personally would want to make conversation with her and permit her know that it is a perfectly ordinary, safe, and ok entry to do. I would want her to know it is not something to be ashamed or embarrased over, I would want her to know that its ok to explore her own body and if that means getting some pleasure while doing so consequently thats ok. It is a purely natural article to do and every body does it to some degree weather they want to confess to it or not. It is a right of passage for a youthful girl to start doing that. And it is a heck of a lot safer than have sex at a young age. But it also let them become more familiar and aware of thier own bodies so when it does become time to own sex they are not ashamed of "getting what they want"

I was on my length last monday thru saturday but today (thurs.) i started bleeding a moment or two bit again?

I'd be all "ew, gross..."

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I think you should pass her some privacy.

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i think it would be kinda gross.. but i propose at least she isnt have sex

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If you found out indirectly just move her be, if you walk within, sit down and talk beside her and explain that it's natural for young-looking women to have sexual urges.

Im not pregnant?

I would simply be paid sure she continuously washed her hand. I don't see anything wrong with it.

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though I'm only 19 years antediluvian, if ever i have a daughter and caught her masturbating, i would explain to her to be exact normal and undisruptive and i would advise her not to over do it and do it within the right place at the right time.

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I think it would be aware of kinda strange it depends on how old your daughter is if she is going through puberty and is lately now discovering I would present her "The TALK" if she is a teenager already know what it is I would just try and forget in the region of it because everyone proaly does it if she is a little kid close to really little then i would relay her NO!

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...turn around, shut the door, and leave her be...

...and if she ever brings up the subject, I'll share her I'm glad she's doing that and not going out and having promiscuous sex.

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I'm not a mother or a father (and I don't plan to be one... ever), but if I have a hypothetical daughter and found out she was masturbating... *shrugs* Who care? I do it all the time, and it's silly to focus that she wouldn't feel the nouns to release her sexual desire (unless she's asexual). Humans are sexual creatures by nature from when they're born to when they die. Go see a form website if you don't believe me. As far as dealing with this expertise, I'd just hang on to it to myself and leave her alone. Knock on her door, hang around, then enter... stuff close to that so I don't disturb her or embarrass her.

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I'm a father and Dr - after considerable thought -if I found out my, daughter was masturbating, I'd close the door. Perfectly majority but I dont need to witness it.

My friend have internet boyfriend she's about to assemble up with him subsequent saturday i dont know what 2 do?!?

i would have thank god it wasn't a boy or man teach her roughly safe sex presently because shes a Young lady very soon and every body on the planet remember their first organism keep it indisputable with her

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The Truth is its a inborn thing to do, and i would not right to be heard anything to her unless she asked the wife or i about masturbating.

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Nothing because it is none of your business. It is her body. If she does it in public then I would give an account her it is something she needs to do contained by private. It is natural for everyone to explore and experience their own body.

How do I receive rid of?

It is a natural point. It can happen at sundry ages. Id not worry so much around it. Id wait and collaborate to her after some of the embarrasement for both of you wears bad. If she is really young consequently its your call to move about over the subject if she is ready to comprehend it. If she is hoary enough(teens+) to understand, memo what I said above about waiting. Actual masturbation is a really private thing and if she is elder, than be happy she isnt out spreading the love at this point. Could be ALOT worse!

What cause my girl friend to discharge excessively (like urinating) during intercourse?

Well it wount happen, Becoz i will form her brought up this way that she will be analyse , wht flawless and wrong for her.
its good to communicate to your kids abt thing they usually discuss next to other people or even on internet in womenanswers.org.

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So, it's completly ordinary everyone single human does it in the world, who cares?

Seriously, as long if she know all in the region of sex, the dangers, and she repects her self, what impair she is causing?

It's also hugely healthy, and a worthy way to catch to know your body. She needs to know every aspect of her body, and revise about it.

Honestly, if I enjoy kids I wouldn't mind the least as long as they wipe their hands afterwards and know all give or take a few sex. No big deal, it's human temper.

I have a friend who is 13 al,most 14 n she hasnt started her term yet what can i transmit her for advice?

if she is childish very immature then i will influence dont do it now bcz u r babyish and if i see u at this action again i would deffenetly slap u

I'm going crazy! I be faithfully on birth control pill and no term and Dr did blood test and not pregnant?!

my mom walk in on me earlier its no big deal i would not freak out nearly it just describe her to wash her hand before and after and a moment ago tell her its okay and usual and just do it contained by ur room

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