Can you stop your spell mid-cycle?

Okay, okay, I know I can b a little "harsh" contained by this category w/ my answers to ya'll...but now I requirement your help!! And I don't know the answer...
I am on my term right now {started Sunday}, but I enjoy a SPECIAL moment planned for Wednesday!!
Is there ANY instrument to stop "Aunt Flow" ?
I luv when she visits but she's get to go!! Company's coming!!


the single thing you can do is start taking birth control tablets.that will stop your cycle.upright luck with your special guest.

How heaps sit-ups and push-ups should i do a day to preserve healthy?

when i grow up i will smell giraffes and stink up georgia

Guys and doctors solely please.?(continued) SOS?

no u cant. not unless u go get hold of a shot at the doctors office to stop it

What does celibate miserable?

No, you cannot stop it *looks confused*

How to pass gas after hysterectomy ?

When you find out agree to me know. I am on my mines now, and would like amazingly much for it to stop.

Embarassing stories?

There is no way to stop it..sorry...

Is in that any way?

some doctors endow with out a pill to stop your period, my friend have 1 for her wedding hours of daylight...

One of my breasts is slightly bigger than the other?

yep - birth control pills. if mine is lasting too long i other pop two and it stops. it doesnt hurt anything. thats the only approach i know of for YOu to control it :) have fun Wed!

I'm such a behind time bloomerperiods question?

sorry cant stop mother humour lol no i dont think within is anyway u can stop it.

Tampon question?

if your not taking birthcontrol pills, find a friend who is. Start taking the pill. Your extent will be done by wednesday

Is anal intercouse painfull after a couple of days?

No. I know of a way to hold past its sell-by date starting your menses but not once it's started. You'll just hold to reschedule your encounter for the weekend.

Milky Discharge?

get pregnant!! stops it every time!!

Does anyone in here enjoy this and want to talk?

Sure, purely cork it up.

I wouldn't worry around it, some guys like getting their "red wing."

A question roughly speaking pain?

Nope, in attendance's no holding back the crimson white horses once it's started.
You can try taking a cold bath or cold swim, sometimes that will "freeze up" the flow for awhile, but otherwise, you're out of luck - hopefully your special friend won't mind.

My parents want to bring me to a gyn what should i do?

I don't recommend you do that. Even though there may be pills or shots that enunciate that it's safe, i don't deem it would do well to your condition

Am I too young to own an overactive thyroid?

Have your "special moment" in wet, like the tub tub, pool, jacuzzi, lake, etc. Works for me! Something going on for being surrounded by the water that sends "Aunt Flow" -packing! ...LOL! Good luck! If it fail, then expand your horizons! There are abundant, many ways to own a "special moment" and be satisfied! :-)

Bert. "short for Bertha"

Question going on for growth spurts?

Other than going on birth control pills, no. (and this wouldn't stop them by this Wednesday anyway, since you'd need an appointment and to loaf until the end of your cycle)

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