Girls answer...Pleasure or Protection?

Which is more important to chicas?

I own cramps... hep?!?

There are alot of condoms out there that give a hand with the whole pleasure department. They enjoy ribbed condoms and they have extra thin condoms. If I be you I would go out and look at some of them. I think that at hand isn't a big difference in feeling beside a condom on or off. If I were you I would verbs about protection because guys can get stds newly as easily as women. You want to protect yourself from stds or pregnancy.

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both , if they are3 having trouble getting plesure beside the condom, dont nix it add to it. there are tons of warm lubes, and tingleing ones , and some plain ones that are great. good site for lubes and toys is, they best tingleing lube i think is durex brand. nearby is a really great plain lube called euros bodyglide, and its not just for sex it can be used as a a moment ago a mostirizer for skin and for massage it costs but it is truly worth it and it lasts and the texture it great and its strong but works great for regular sex as well as anal. you can find it on there is a nature for women but its the same and its cheaper! keep the protection unless you are surrounded by a comitted relationship where there isnt a risk of stds and own birthcontrol if you arent ready for a child. but get the bodyglide lube trust me any partner you enjoy will love it im sure and you will too.

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Protection by far. These days there are so many ways to receive pleasure without even the use of the other opposite sex. And, even if we do enjoy the choice of having the opposite sex, protection is unequivocally necessary.

"No longer ask for proof of wealth, but for proof free of STDs/HIV."

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protection, because u don't want to seize an std or if the girl don't want 2 be pregnant of course be protected , but if u have a long permanent status relationship and u plane on getting married or something i think u can "do it" with out protection if u know ya partner don't own an std or will sleep wit otha ppl, feel me

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Protection and pleasure goes mitt in hand. If your not using protection, afterwards your going to be stressed about getting pregnant, stds, etc. therefore your going to hold a hard time finding the pleasure in such a stressful situation.

Could i be pregnant?

You can't really relish the pleasure if all you're worrying about is getting pregnant etc

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A poor financially challenge girl will opt for the second choice. A woman trying to conceive will opt for pleasure.

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I think pleasure is to chicas cuz the spanish people hold 3x as many kids and they usually are preggo by 14yrs.

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protection, although if i am not worried about have kids with this specific partner( meaning married) consequently pleasure.

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Protection. I'd rather not get gonorreah spouting up down in that, and definitely not a mini-me.

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PROTECTION! I've had my tubes tied, and I preserve condoms in my nightstand. Pregnancy is not the only point to be protected from.

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if you are in a monogamous relationship, it should not matter within the slightest, me i prefer pleasure

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Both, If the risk is very very small and curable after the pleasure is fine.

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Proctection. Why risk 1/2 hour (maybe more or less) pleasure for the risk of STD's and pregnancy.

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Protection duh

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protection, i don't want no dirty thing up in my kitty, and departing his mark behind.

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