Girls aid me plz thank you?

i used a tampon the otha day and wen i took it out it relly relly relly burned and feel like it be relly hot and stung relly badly, and i go relly red wel i mean my vagina did wats wrong wiv me

Tattoo and birth control?

I recommend you don't use a tampon anymore. It sounds really doomed to failure that that even happened to you. Maybe you should dance to a doctor and make sure you are ok. Cause I don't regard that it's normal for it to burn unless you vanished it in toooo long. I hope you swot up that it might just be better to use a wipe. Good luck

I have have it with her! Can you dump someone when they are within hospital?

you know that kinda happened to me too but not that desperate sorry

Girl question! Only girls answer please! It sturdy for me to?

Don't use a tampon for the rest of your period. Use a wad and change it commonly. If it burns still, take a cool shower, it should aid. If the pain and burning still persist, call your doctor and ask them if you should come within.

As a rape survivor. . .?

Was this at the end of your interval? Perhaps, it was merely about over, and you be too dry. Or else, you were using a tampon that be too big. I don't know how old you are. If , by any casual, you're in your 40's, near's a spot inside you that doesn't have any estrogen. Your doctor can contribute you a low dose of estrogen cream, to insert. Hope I helped! If nought I said is right, see what happens subsequent month. Good luck, girl. Go to a doctor if it continues.

Good Diet?

Nothing is wrong. It talkes a few times to really get used to a tampon, so basically try different methods of taking it out. Also, this might have be because you were using a really large absorbancy for your period. If you used a regular, try a slender. If you used a super try a regular.

Why are some women so hell bent on losing freight?

Make an appointment with your OBGYN and DON'T use a tampon anymore.

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