What does celibate plan?


Can girls masturbate? if so does anything come out?

Every spiritual seeker who desires getting hold of enlightenment in this immensely life requirements to practice absolute celibacy. A celibate is one who voluntarily disengages self from adjectives inhibitions of sexual engagements. Celibacy is always voluntary. It is not mere sexual economy that is term as celibacy... even thoughts of pervert nature must never cross ones mind.

In expressions of celibacy... all womenfolk world over become our mother, sister or daughter. There is no other relationship that exists for a celibate. Still, keeping the requirements of a human man in mind... God Almighty ordained that every celibate can enjoy a maximum of two engagements in a month. Anything more is purely not permitted! These monthly indulgences were designed for progeny... nothing more!

If we desire seeking the hope of life at the earliest... we call for to practice absolute celibacy for a minimum interval of 12 years in continuation. Mahavira did that... so do Gautama Buddha. Followed them Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed. In short every serious huntsman of spirituality has to remain celibate for a minimum interval of 12 years in continuation. Why so?

Preserving our cosmic vivacity results in full awakening of our Kundalini! The moment the awakening of the Kundalini occur... one reaches the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Now one can hold a dialogue with God on one-to-one starting place and that too permanently. Sexual indulgence physically and mentally is really prohibited for a celibate. More on Celibacy - http://www.godrealized.com/celibacy.html...

Too much oestrogen?

Choosing not to have sex.

Please give a hand! sore boobs.?

When you refrain from have sex with another individual

Can a feminine get pregnate by have sex in a hottube?

Do you hold a dictionary? Look it up.

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Celibate system your choice to refrain from sex.
no sex whatsoever.

Toxic Shock Syndrome?

It is a character who abstains (does not participate) from sexual relations.

In some contexts (such as religious vows of chastity) it would also aim ALL sexual activity, including masturbation.

Why would my HCG lower next raise inside a week and Im miscarrying?

To refrain from.

During the time I be sopposed to have my spell i spotted very delicately and only surrounded by the morning.?

It is used to describe someone who is not sexually active.
Some inhabitants choose to remain celebate because of religious reasons.
It used to be used to describe someone who be not married because sex before marital was irrelevant in society but this have changed because it is accepted more immediately.

Please Help.URGENT!?

no nookie honey!

Have you ever been picked on for human being short by your own family member?

Someone who is not married who does not have any sex

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