What are good extercies to lose freight?


Advice on period/pill/all that yucky stuff please?

Cardio Kick ...it works great and you can watch contained by on ON Demand..

A pointy body part contained by my vagina?


Its Weird.?

running, swimming riding a bike, playing basketball... running on a treadmill or using the ellyptical machine.

My mum have just be told shes only get 1 kidney working?

Push aways. That is pushing away from the table.

Starting YAZ [SUNDAY]?

and definetly swimming it works ever muscule in your body

Help, I haven't had my extent for about 2 months but I'm not pregnant?


I hold a constant clear discharge, what should do??

One good extercies is to do a organizer stand while you practice spelling.

If my mom started her period at 13 and im 13 will i start it too ?

Walk something like 30 mins a day for 5 days a week

I posted this grill a few times: Spasms in the uterus while not pregnant?


What do i put away to get bigger boobs?

i hold been wondering that myself for a long time.

Why haven't I have a period contained by six months. There is no way I am pregnant. I am with the sole purpose in my twenties!?


Girls please..?

Maintain closely of cardio work (biking, treadmill, running, swimming, and such). Also, do some weight work on the stale days to build up some muscle (which will do some fat-burning work for you).

Help I'm having hot flashes!?

walk the track ride the bike those are the two best

Fat women?

JELLY BELLI... at hand like sit ups but u neva touch the floor

I am have very desperate painplease read?

Walking, followed by swimming are the most effective.

Will it be urine that I skeet out if I hold an orgasm?

Is spelling an exercise?

Dizziness, chest pains, and not to mention a phobia of docters?

depends what part of the body you are targetting

as a woman my nouns is my upper arms and my side thighs

i make sure to do weights and lifting for my arms and for my legs some squats and apt old fahsion thigh master and i even use some ankle weights underneath my jeans once a week so at work i get some extra exersise

Hey gall?

What is "extercies"?

My period?

Yes nearby are many great exercise progams you can use or workouts. A great one is Turbojam. You can stop by it at www.turbojam.com and it can burn up to 1,100 calories in an hour at the extreme height. That is also a great website becasue it shares sucuess stories about how it really does work. Also, nearby are other sites and exercise meothods from that website such as the Silm in 6 program. You can call in it at this website right here

That program basically shapes and sculpt your body in solely 6 weeks. Hopefully those helped and pious luck! =]


Walking is probably the number 1 exercise, But strength training is also good it replaces any cooking oil with muscle. It is best to try an assortment of exercises. If you have heavy say within your arms push ups and strength training will replace the flab. If it is around your middle and hips, alot of walking jogging, biking will burn that stale.

Help i have be experienceing a sharp pain surrounded by my ureathra.?

If you only enjoy a few pounds to lose. Here's what works for me. First just drink whatever you in general do, but cut your portion size. Next, I wear ankle and wrist weights all year and just be in motion about doing what I in general do. A week or two of this and 3-5 pounds is gone with intensely little effort.

Why does my girlfriend hold so much pain after orgasm?

Look into doing body counterbalance workouts, such as squats, lunges, pushups, and things like that. Doing these kind of workouts, you'll add strength, and muscle. Having more muscle resources your body will take more calories per light of day to maintain your freight. So, if you never changed your diet, and just started doing bodyweight workouts, you would essentially start losing weight. Also, training your muscles, using your body as the resistance, will edify you to have better control of your body, which will serve you in copious other area's of enthusiasm, as well.

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