Dizziness, chest pains, and not to mention a phobia of docters...?

Every once in a while I have chest pains, and lately I hold gotten really dizzy. Yesterday I walked through a door and collapsed because I thought I be going to throw up. And I didn't even feel sick until I walk through the door.
I don't want to go see a docter, I in recent times want to know if there is something wrong beside me. I don't eat profusely, but I have other been that path. Not a big appitite. And I'm only thirteen...
Two years ago I go to the hospital because I had respitory problems and they thought I have an ammonia*. I didn't...but every time I breathed in my chest feel like it be going to burst. It doesn't happen anymore, but possibly it could help near your answers.

It is mostly dizziness. The last time be dizzy was yesterday. But I get REALLY dizzy at a party, and I have to sit down for a long time before it get even close to normal.
I also am deeply afraid of docters, physiciatrists, dentists, ect. So please don't tell me to see one of them. (continued)

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Well as you can see from the variety of answers mostly giving different suggestions that you are not going to find the answer here. No one can speak about you really unless they have examined you.
I know you are alarmed but you have a problem that wishes to be fixed. If you go to the Doctors in a minute then it probably will not pinch long to fix. Like the Doc here said, could be a middle ear infection or similar.
One thing for sure, if you save going dizzy then this is going to come to pass to you at the worst possible time, say when you are within the middle of the road or similar. You could end up really hurt,
You ought to homily to your Mum and get this sorted.

Is this middle-of-the-road?

Ok. But there is no opening to tell you what is wrong beside you from here. The only mode to find out what's wrong with you is to see a doctor. I don't know why you are afraid of doctors? You can seize a female doctor, you know. They aren't going to hurt you.
So, if you won't go see one, I guess you similar to feeling this bearing. Because if you were miserable, afterwards you would do whatever it took to grain better. So, don't go.but you'll bring back worse and worse.

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Are you afraid of adjectives doctors? Or just men (that slightly scare me too)? If it is just men, ask for a feminine doctor.
I don't want to be annoying, but I really think you should call round a doctor.

It might be mentally, but please consider a doctor.

It might be that you don't eat much or not a balanced/nutritious diet. Try to guzzle lots of fruits, vegetables, proteins. They will eventually help you if this is the satchel.

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If you want to know if there's something wrong next to you, the answer is yes. The symptoms you're describing are a sign that something is definitely going on. Now, if you want to know WHAT's wrong next to you, this is the wrong place to be asking. Only a doctor can tell you what's going on. I know doctors are alarming. And I know it's really hard to work yourself up to move about to one. But unfortunately, that's exactly what you have need of to do. These are not symptoms that you should ignore. Please relate your parents what you're experiencing, and ask them to make an appointment for you. Maybe one (or both) of them can be in motion back next to you when you see the doctor, to help you stay steady.

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sounds close to blood pressure problem, anxiety can produce breathing problems, nausea and dizziness, you sound as tho you are underneath weight and enjoy poor diet, try to eat improved and take a multi vit/mineral supplement, listen to your body, I promise as a rule nearly adjectives doctors do what they do because they want to help inhabitants who need aid, so don't fear them, their undamaged life is something like making people better! also an inner ear infection can produce dizziness or motion sickness but the merely way to know for sure is carry a doctors opinion!

Yesterday I took my birth control pill and vomited rt after I took it..so I wait 20 more minutes and took?

It's anxiety. Thats what the dizziness is and the sickness and pain and not wanting to walk anywhee. I have like thing and I be forced to go to a psychiatrist and he give me meds that REALLY helped me. It is so much better to do business with your fears one time and be over them after it is to let that crap proress and win worst. Trust me it does. You really think you're going to die ALL THE TIME and you won't go ANYWHERE because you develop phobias. I really hope you get hold of better because anxiety is NO FUN!

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If you dont go to the Doctors or psychiatrist you will never achieve the help you deserve. plain and simple. im sorry i dont tight-fisted to be harsh, but its absolutetly true.


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Do you drink enough dampen? It defiantly sounds approaching and anxiety disorder, that may be causing the dizziness too. If you ever want to find better you are going to have to see a doc or at the extraordinarily least a physciatrist, you can even run to a group counseling. That is what my roomate did, once she did she began to know how to deal beside the anxiety and move on near her life. You are not going to know how to get any better unless you stop man stubborn and take the help out that is offered to you. Talking next to an expert will NOT kill you. You will merely believe me when you let yourself, so lug your time.

Serious Answers OnlyWhats going on with my body?

I believe that U are truly not sick but severely dehydrated.

If U are the personality who does not drink much water but largely depend on other beverages for ur fluid wants like coffee, tea, soda, juice, alcoholic beverages, then U are plainly dehydrated.

Dehydration cause loss of functions in the cell, the basic functioning unit of the body. Cells contain abt 70-75% water and when mediocre hydration is neglected, one wld definitely experience sorts of dis-ease or discomfort.

Chest pains. When one is desiccated, bld volume decreases. This results to substandard but thicker bld running in circulation. When insufficient bld gets to the heart, low oygen supply to heart muscles happen causing chest pains.

Dizziness. The brain get 85% of its energy from wet. Brain is normally immersed into hose called the cerebrospinal fluid. When this runs short, brain is particularly affected and mete out dizziness. The mechanism that occur during chest pains also is contributory. Low bld supply, low oxygen causing dizziness.

Positional change causes poor compensatory response and every time poor bld supply occur, pain happen.

Fear, anxiety, depression and other forms of mental problems. Same reason to the brain's denial of energy. Also, sea in the nerves transmit impulse. Without water, its nouns is sluggish and interrupted. Being alert, awake, well require the optimal functioning of the nerves and this solitary happens next to adequate volume of sea in nerves.

So hydrate urself. Dissolve 1/4 tsp of deep-sea salt to 1 quart of marine. Salt holds water and so will relieve hydrate the body more efficiently. Take 16 ounces of this salted hose upon waking up contained by the morning and also at bedtime, take 8 ounces partially hr before meal and also 2 and a half hrs after meal. Replace every urination with 8 ounces hose. Avoid coffee, tea, soda, chocolates and alcoholic beverages. These will cause ur condition to catch worse.

The above method will keep U away from ur most fear phobia...the doctors, psychiatrists, etc. Follow it well and experience a in good health being U never did earlier.

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