Masturbation instructions video on the internet for women?

my kid is at an age where she told me she like to have pleasure but requirements to know how. I cant tell her so i to some extent give her a vid. please help

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You could show your daughter a video, but I think that would be detrimental, and agree to me tell you why. No, it's not because you'd be showing her sexually explicit material- please, c'mon, what kid hasn't see at least something on the Internet. And moreover, that stuff isn't dangerous.

No, I don't think you should be showing her a video approaching that because it will teach her a specific route to masturbate. It's the same style that telling her to masturbate would be strange, because what feel good for you might not necessarily have a feeling good for her. The best agency for her to discover pleasure is to explore her own body and try different things to see what makes HER consistency good. Nobody else can relay her- or any woman- how to experience pleasure. Oh sure, tips and hints can be given, but in the end, it's around self-exploration.

Still, if you want to help her, here are the best resources out there- sex-positive, woman-friendly direction:

* Betty Dodson's film "Orgasmic Women". It's amazing. Buy it here:

* The Website All give or take a few female masturbation, it's the best website out nearby. Tell her about it and permit her browse.

* The book "I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide" by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller. It's one of the great books out there- conversational and informative.

The combination of these three resources should give her adjectives the answers she needs.

Hope that help.

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you need give support to... seriously

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im 14-15 n most the girls my age dont resembling to admitt they masturbate but i go ahead n do if she dosent no how to afford herself plesure maybe she isnt hoary enuf...but if u think she is set try searching on google for wta the classification of masturbation is show her that n it might explain by rubbing urself ect gives u pleasure from masturbation.

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I'm surprised that a child would be so unseal about such a subject.
But as for video, I'm not sure, have never have a need for them as for most women, they a moment ago explore and experiment with what works best for their pleasure.
If you really faithfully wish to relieve educate your daughter, consequently this site is excellent, just scroll down to 'masturbation' and the relevant info will be at hand.

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Now tis is TRICKY.

On the one hand, you should try to be unequivocal and honest about this. On the other, within's the legal / ethical / moral aspect of exposing your child to what some would ring "porn".

I would suggest you check out the DVD's from people resembling Nina Hartley- they tend to have well brought-up info. Buy one, watch it yourself and opt whether it's "too much" for your child.

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