Does wearing a bra all the time trim down breast growth?


Iam a 13 year old and i masturbate is that discouraging?

No. Your breast will grow while you are wearing a bra. Your breast, just resembling your periods, are controlled by hormones. Also, your body type will dictate the size.

Also, if you bear birth control pills the hormones in the pills can also result in your breast to grow after you think they are done.

Good Luck!

Shaving my bikini column?

no the keep them contained by place and keep them from flaccid

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No. Because on Doctor 90210 he said that if you dont wear a bra continuously after your boobs will begin to flop into an uncomfortable issue and will cost money to change them put money on to regular A.K.A plastic surgery.

Birth Control Pill with condoms?

no, it prevents them from flabby.

Can i still grow?

No i dont think so it acually help them from sagging and keep them in place.

Any solution.. plz back?

No, they don't. My double-D's prove it.

Abdominal pain.?

The society have put an emphasis on wearing a bra. But in trueness, you do not even need to wear a bra. Believe it or not, your breast will set off to sag next to age. So how matter how long you wear a bra, your breast will sink. Face the fact! To answer the examine, wearing a bra all the time, does not fade the growth. Many people simply wear it so their nipples won't show thru the shirt.

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