What are the best exercise weights to use when walking?

I am beginning a walking regimen on Saturday to assist tone various parts of my body.

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I have both wrist weights and ankle weights. They strap/fit around the wrist and ankles - your hand would be free with the wrist weights.

I begin with lighter weights, and worked up to heavier weights. You shouldn't commence with indigestible weights right away. it should be a gradual increase, just similar to with lifting weights. You wouldn't try to lift 200 lbs your first try! Same central theory.

My ankle weights hold 'pockets', and individual weight pack that are about 4"Hx2-1/2"W. Each little pack weigh about a pound, if I take back correctly, and you can put one in, a week or two subsequent add another, and so on. This passageway you don't have to purchase a heavier ankle consignment every few weeks.

The wrist weights work your arms, shoulders, chest. the ankle weights will work your legs, buttocks, hips.

They're great!

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I close to to walk around my commune holding a 5 pound hammer surrounded by each appendage.

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carry 2 full water bottles surrounded by each mitt it will burn after a while . if not us dog food can i know it sounds retarded but it works

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i chew gum and i am not kidding ,it's really upright to chew gum while u're walking that's what i do.

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well i get 3kg weights when on walking machine i used to use 5kg but hurt my final so dropped down start of on small weights first

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