My mum have just be told shes only get 1 kidney working?

any advice would be great,what foods she eat?what drinks she drink THANKS

Heavy Bleeding!?

Stay away from soda - brackish - make sure she drinks plenty of marine so that her urine is clear. If it is yellow - she is not drinking ample. She needs to trademark sure her blood pressure is under control if not her other one will shut down on her. She should find a good doctor - I am not sure where on earth you live - but Hershey Medical Center in PA is excellent for this - and bargain about have the bad kidney removed. My niece is 11 immediately and had hers removed when she be 3. You can hardly see the deformity and she is healthier than ever. She in recent times has to keep watch on her salt intake, solution intake, and make sure she doesn't attain injured on the good side. Good luck!

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Carbohydrates and fats enjoy less burden for kidney. Protein breakdown metabolites are excreted through kidney and increase the workload. Accordingly, meat, lentils and other lofty protein items will not be good for her. Drinking greatly of water so kid. doesn't involve to concentrate the urine, will be good. One kidney is really sufficient to cope near the normal burden. And drugs- masses will not be good for her, you will hold to get a record.
Best will be to stck to a few chosen items in the diet. Good luck!

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my mom also has one kidney vanished and is on dialysis and only 47 i would advocate to just drink river and hope it helps filter it out easier i would stay away from sugar especially sugar drinks such as soda which can be bleak for the kidneys.

Period problem(crying)?

Hey Hunny
Aww how sad.
Hopefully she will be fine :-)
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