My daughter is on her period,for the ending week has be just nearly doubled up as she is in lots of headache? Help?

When she trys to get out of bed she feel really sick and dizzy, and her periods are really thickset. Please give me advocate on what I can do?

We have an outing this coming saturday. my problem be its my first day of menstruation?is it ok to swim?

rob your daughter to the doctor!

Can dancing firm you up & give a hand you lose weight?

My daughter also have that problem and her doctor put her on birth control pills. It took care of the problem for her, no more agony and cramps.

Help! bone density thing, Period?

She requests to go to the doctor. Also, have she been sexually involved? I don't know the age of your daughter. She could be having a miscarriage..

I have severe breast tenderness for 20+ years until I stopped using antiperspirants anyone else?

her period sound really horrible, she may stipulation to go to a doc and see if nearby is anything wrong with her. for the spasm she could take some pamprin or mydol. or if she does not approaching taking pills you could rub some bengay pn where it hurts, or use a heat pad or she could appropriate a hot bath. as for the dizzyness that sounds kinda strange. net sure she drinks lots of water.

My breasts hold on to getting bigger!?

I had duplicate problem when I started mines when I was 12. I go to the doctor and he put me on the contraceptive pill and it regulated my periods and I do not go and get really bad time of year pains now : )

Height sound out?

She may need iron tablets.Pop her along to see your doctor.Worst piece she can do is curl up, tell her to steal gentle exercise.It help to relax the tummy muscles.Also, tell her to drink plenty of wet.

:[[ HELP COnfused?

1. Drink lots of water or other fluids but not greatly of caffeine
2. Try yogurt or cheese, which have helpful cultures to help digestive system and immune system. Also honourable for cramps it helps me adjectives the time
3. Take some aspirin or other OTC pain reducer
4. See a gynocologist

I want sex more recurrently than husband he is happy next to once a month I'm not?

I sympathise. I get really severe period throbbing and heavy period naturally. What I do to generate it better is a combination of the contraceptive pill (to make my period lighter) and a prescription painkiller. I've be on this combination since I was almost 13/14.

What physical problems can cause a progesterone/imbalance ?

I would sure love to know! Each month for times gone by five years, I have to do nought for the first two days of my period. I seize horrible cramps, feverish, and discern incredibly sick to my stomach. Most pills do not work for me. I just bring tylenol and try to rest, which is also very difficult. I know at hand are a lot of remedies out at hand to help beside cramps and pain. If it continues, I would consider taking her to the doctor. It shouldn't ultimate that long. But if this is her may. Good luck to you both!

My best friend refuses to enjoy sex without a shirt on have anyone else had this issue and gotten ancient it?

Periods aren't the same for adjectives women. Some people own heavier flows in the establishment and some experience horrible cramps. Some women drink warm lemon liquid, or sleep on flat surfaces to relieve the cramping. If that doesn't work, there is other Midol. Also, if she is experiencing a heavy flow during the closing stages of the menstrual cycle, I would take her to the doctor. During the cycle, the flow should become lighter.

Nipple size varying?

Best way to confidence the stomach cramps is to put a hotwater bag on the tummy itself. This will specifically relieve whatever affliction. As for the heavy extent, it's better to seek medical treatment from the doctor.

If a young at heart person breaks their hip, how long are they usually contained by hospital for?

Talk to your doctor about birthcontrol lo dose. It really does aid alot and it helps next to everything. I am the last party that ever advises taking a med, but i.e. the best thing that I ever did for mine. I am 23 and I started taking them when I be 16. I missed 7-9 days of school once a month for a year and be getting so far behind that we have to do something. I had like sympotoms as your daughter. Tell her that there are family out there for her.

Another point that can help, if she isn't already markedly physically active, I found yoga month around can relaxation some of the pain. I love the Rene Taylor video, I am not sure if they are on DVD though.

She also needs the love and support of her mother right in a minute, she probably feels lonely next to her friends, they normally don't comprehend how bad this really can capture.

When you talk to her doctor also brand sure that she doesn't have endodimetriosis (not sure if the spelling is right) it is a condition where on earth your menstrul tissue is forming in places other than the womb. It is outstandingly painful and can own complicaitons down the road when she wants to hold kids.

Any more questions, touch free to ask.

Is it right to take the pill every single year without a break for 8 yrs?

I would suggest that here has be some sort of stress in her duration an this has cause oestrogen dominance

Stress -> oestrogen dominance -> ailment

Stress can cause ovulation not to go down (this can be as high as 25% of the population) and so the progesterone is not created to harmonize the estrogen in the body. Once estrogen is dominant ailments go on.

See a doctor from list they get the benefits of natural progesterone also see the correspondence from women who have used organic progesterone to cure many things.

On the or site you can do preliminary hormone test. It would be better to have a saliva theory test done or is another good pattern site however search for "inbred progesterone USP" on the web and you will come across polite news. this is where on earth I started off on finding out around natural progesterone. Wild yam is NOT progesterone.

I hope this help

Birth control method that doesent cause bleeding/spoting/ Does your Birth control method mete out bleeding?

i have like peas in a pod problem . i used to have hypoglycemia attacks! ( exactly indistinguishable attack as diabetics have wen theyr blood sugars are low) and i feel like i be going to die every time i started my periods because it allwais happen! my mum took me to the doctors and they put me on "mefenamic" tablets or however you spell it and it lightens your flow and gets rid of the discomfort so you feel certainly nothing at adjectives! i have certainly no pain whatsoever! it realy works for me!

give an account you daughter i said hi and i hope you both get this sorted out! xXx

I'm 49 and feminine. I have not have sex in 3 yrs but I might surrounded by the near adjectives.?

Have her take a thaw out bath or shower, squeeze pads also serve. I would see a dr. about it though as in that may be something seriously wrong. I had a few period like that near really heavy blood flow and strong cramps and found out it be partially cause by fluid retention. I could not move it hurt so bad. Ask her if she have been urinating regularlly. She may call for a water pill if that doesn't give support to possibly birth control to regulate them.

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