Birth control method that doesent cause bleeding/spoting/ Does your Birth control method impose bleeding?

My situation is that im very sexually alive, having sex alot alto atleast 4 times a week.In former times i had accident happen resembling condoms break and stuff. Never had intentional unprotected sex,So necessarily my doctors and GYN from planed parenthood said that i should dance on birth control before i bring back pregnant .
WHen i was 15 i be on the birth control method called "depo Provera" shot which be progesterone hormones injected in me like every 3 months . The Depo provera be wonderful for me becouse i didnt have to verbs about it close to that. Anyways there be one horibble thing roughly it, i had spotting every single sunshine, which was eww foul, for every single day . spotiing and bleeding everyday made me insecure and obnoxious to have sex cuz your suppose to be verbs all the time.
Also it cause me to gain wieght. So basically what do you suggest "BIRTH CONTOL " METHOD " for me to move about on that will not cause no bleeding or spoting everyday. There have to be a birth control method for me!

Ladies do any of you?

I was on depo for four years and it sucked, glad to hear you are rotten of it.

I am on Kariva (pill) and I've had no unpromising side affects. I still have a amazingly light spell on my fourth week.

There is a pill that is coming out call Lybrel that has NO period, but it is sooo new and I haven't hear about the long residence affects or anything about it to recommend it. You might want to look into this.

Seasonale is also a pill, but you single get four period a year.

(I don't think its good for a woman NOT to have a period).

What's a fitting age to lose your virginity?

i think that you should manufacture another visit to the gyno. permit her know what is going on with the spotting and ask what she suggests for you. nearby are many different option as far as birth control. she would be the best person to discuss this next to.

A little worried?

The pill has never substandard me. I have never have break through bleeding (unless of course I enjoy missed a pill). Everyone is different though. No matter which methode you choose you enjoy to remember that most of them do affect your hormones and have side effects (including some cargo gain and other risks). If I were you I would hold a heart to heart with your physician.

GIRLS merely! (no guys!)?

I would try the pill because it has option for higher dosages of hormone. The lower the dosage, the more plausible it is for you to have breakthrough bleeding. I once tried Yasmin which be a 35mg dosage and it was too much for me, but it might be idyllic for you!

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