I enjoy my period for 6days but not again for another year..serve? *?

I have my interval for 6days, but not again for a year? this has transpire for 2 years now..I saw a doc and I appear to be fine.
what is up? I bleed a ton for 6-7 days and then it's perfect bye period for a year, I'm 15.girls any accepted wisdom?

I'm not on any pill or anything...and I feel fine...The doc say i'm fine. Could I just enjoy a really odd term?

What helps Period Pains, besides taking panadol, nurofen etc?

DONT FREAK...I be the same bearing and I had gone thru several doctors until a smart one told me some women simply naturally doesnt hold a monthly cycle...mine came every three years for two weeks solid...my daughters are like way.it is totally crude.I did take black cohosh root which is accurate for regulating the periods...to kind sure it wasnt out of whack ..but it stayed the same.hope it help

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Go to another doctor. Your actual doctor saying that's run of the mill... it's insane!

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if the doctor says you are fine...consequently you just hold an odd interval. Though getting on the pill would probably regulate it.

Do all girls grow curls on their stomachs's?

At your age your body is still adjusting to puberity and your extent. You will have irregular period. If you doctor told you are you are find then you are fine. Just hang on to him updated if you still don't have regular period for a while.

A friend of mine was approaching you until she reached 18.. afterwards the doctor put her on the pill to regulate her periods.

My aint is under the weather?

i not a girl so dont quote me. but i believe that ur period doesnt settle into a routine until ur similar to 18 so id silent down for now and see what happen

Do female gain disfigured if regularly being touched by a masculine (Includes breast & figure) no intersection?

i had that problem too. its call a false start and it can happen for more than a few years. after your body a moment ago gets over the reality that you are maturing, it will become more regular and you will stop having false starts.

This is my freind problem.this is around her bust?

Your still young, it take a while for a woman's body to regulate when she begins her period. If the doc said not to worry don't. I get mine off and on at adjectives different times when I first started menstruating, when I got to be in the region of 19 it came resembling clockwork.

Paraguard Iud and sex?

Most doctors do not panic just about abnormal or absents of period until the girl reaches 17 to 18 years of age. This is why your doctor is relating you everything is "OK". Which to be honest he is right, your body is still trying to develop and establish its own rhythm not to mention your still having serious hormone fluctuations due to going threw puberty. By the time you hit 17 things should own started to even out. If at this time your still having problems and your doctor is still recounting you are fine then I would switch doctors. But right in a minute, most doctors don't panic.

Women please be honest and relief me with this give somebody the third degree.?

To tell you the truth some girls are different, im impossible to tell apart exact age as you and i wish that would transpire to me, its better then freaking every month i achieve horrible cramps and a * you sighn on my forehead on that time. your actually really lucky some young at heart ladies are different. so i think your pefectly fine no worries.

Can astigmatism procure worse? i have read that it can't but my eyesight is getting increasingly fuzzy?!?

You want to get a second evaluation.

I had problems next to my period when I be a teen. I didn't think much of it--in reality, was thrilled at with the sole purpose having one or two period a year. Now, I'm dealing with infertility issues that cannot be reversed. Had I gotten the relief I needed then, I might not be experiencing trouble conceiving.

Based on a fleas altitude, how high can a flee bounce in relation to a man height ?

go address to your doctor i know people take sick of hearing this but it may be more seriouse than you ponder!

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