I'm 49 and womanly. I have not have sex in 3 yrs but I might surrounded by the near adjectives.?

I ended an impertinent marriage 3 yrs ago. There have been no man surrounded by my life so far. I own someone interested in me and we'll go out soon on a date. I asked my gyno which type of birth control I should run on as my ex had a vasectomy, He said no pills and prescribed some Estrace cream, Is that adjectives I really need. I am have some premenopausal symptoms.

Daughter Dilemma?

You will now be dating men that you don't know olden times of. Only one birth control method makes sense: condoms. Even more so because within are no potential side effects for you.

What does it mean when you pee blood after sex but it comes out of your babe hole and hurts?

try condoms

After depo, on BCP still No period?

estrace isn't going to stop a pregnancy, I suggest you ask for a diaphragm, use it beside spermicidal jelly to prevent pregnancy or ask the gentelman to use a condom. Frankly, I'd insist he use a condom, I don't particulary want to sleep with everyone he's be into. At least not until I know him a large amount better and can be sure he is disease free.

Why do I get constipated around the time I ovulate?

It should be adjectives you need. It's better for you than taking a pill, that'll basically mess up your hormones farther. Plus, you won't have to verbs about a stupid little pill everyday. Don't verbs about it, do your best to consent to go of the recent past, live your life, and don't ever look spinal column, you'll regret the time you wasted if you do. Enjoy life span now, if departed experience is buggin you out, breathe through it and keep on truckin! :-)

Has anyone else have a miscarriage and also have PCOS?

you own to be careful because when you don't enjoy sex for a long time your vaginal walls thin out, so you may bleed. Sex in truth keeps your walls glutinous and strong. The estrace cream your doctor gave you be actually to try to prevent vaginal atrophy (thinning walls), NOT to hold you from getting preg.

My period please relief me!!?

NO>>>> Are you still having a Period? If so you can Still bring Pregnant ... Estrace Cream is a Hormone Replacement Cream to help next to your symptoms. It will not protect you from ANY Sexual Transmitted Disease. With everything out there in this day and age you can't take likelihood with you Life. It's thorny to ask someone but if you two are really serious about mortal intimate with respectively you and him should go own blood tests done only to make sure you are both in shape.. HIV and types of Hepatitis is a big thing and you might not know you enjoy a problem. These two stay hidden within your system for a long time and you really are unaware of the problem. If he really care He will agree to go. There are free and confidential clinics you can budge to.
Good Luck with your relationship.
But Seriously be vigilant and use protection.

Full physical exam, more questions!?

uhmm I don`t know you should wait to enjoy sex with him until you two know respectively other better.
hahahahaha srsly. you don't wanna be a wh*re do you? ..probably not.
soooo i suggest that you wait and NOT put out on the first date or 10.

haha idk this is funny to me.. coming from a 15 yr matured to an almost 50 yr old.

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