:[[ HELP COnfused?

while i was on my term my boyfriend and i.. went 2 the movies.. i give him a handjob.. and i didnt really C but clear stuff came out.. 30 or 45 minutes following i go use the bathroom this sounds gross but i wipe rear legs 2 front.. :[[ could i be pregnant.? please honest answers only

How do u find?

No penatration - No chance of pregnancy

Cosmetic acupuncture? Has anyone tried this? Results?

no i dont surmise your pregnant

I have this dirty craving. biting my fingernails. how can i get rid of it?

well sperm usually start dying once they exposed 4 a long time so id enunciate that there isnt a adjectives of u being pregnant. but to set ur mind at straightforwardness u could take a home pregnancy theory test.

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