GIRLS ONLYL!!!why is it hurting?!?

sometimes when i take a tampon out it hurts sooo much why? is in that something wrong with me?

Women one and only!?

The tampon hasn't absorbed satisfactory moisture yet, so it is sticking to your vaginal wall, pulling the skin, and making it hurt.

My best warning would be to either metamorphose the tampon less commonly, or lower the absorbency level that you're using.

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You're using too much digestion for what you need. Get a multipack. If it starts to hurt, switch to a lighter incorporation. If you are at the lightest. Use a panty liner. Your tissue is sticking to the tampon from being too dry.

Sweating Problem?!!?

what are you using super, regular, or super plus?

Is this withdrawl bleeding?

You're plausible a combination of very strained and too dry. Is the tampon fully saturated when you remove it? If not, that make it far more difficult to remove. Also, if you are using a tampon with too soaring of an absorbancy for your flow, it will be dry upon trying to remove it.

You need to create sure your muscles are fully relaxed, sitting on the toilet helps because your upper legs will remain rigid otherwise, and that you are using the appropriate absorbancy for your flow to begin next to.

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Usually it hurts when the tampon is too dry. You're probably any using a tampon that has a better absorbency than what you need, or you're not waiting long ample to take it out.

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two reasons, any you are using to big of a tampon, i.e. maybe you entail to switch from regular to light (try tampax lite within the blue and purple box) or you are changing it to commonly. Relax it's not usually a indicator of a problem.

This is weird (about period-girls only)?

call the tampon company or a doctor

I requirement help!?

hun, here's nuttin wrong with you. when you shove summin' up ur ying yang approaching that and then verbs it back out obviously it's gonna hurt. trust me i know. ur probably thinking why is a person name jim answering this? it's because i'm under my dad's description. like i said in that's nuttin wrong. unless maybe no offense or anything but that could possibly be hurting if you have genital herpes.

Problem only ladys respond?

Nothing wrong near you.

You're either using a too much absorbency tampon than what you want or you're taking it out too soon.

Weird Feeling?

You may have an infection or be too dry. This could be serious. Do not hang around for advice from this site. Call your doctor. I know that it may be an unpleasant thought. But, the sooner you see a apt doctor the better you will feel within the long run.

Pain is the body's way of unfolding you something is wrong. Listen to your body.


hi sweets, the trick is not to use it for the next month. you possibly using a size large than what you should be using and also try hold on to taps on the hours you transport with it on as this may raison d`??tre irritation, also when getting it out, breathe out/ exhale so that ur muscles relax. usually a tampon can be a pest esp when you dont have a mundane sex pattern shown by study.oh! my study.haah!

Little miss jennifer?

It could be that you are using the wrong character. Mayb try and small or medium if it is still hurting afterwards stop for a while and use towels.If it is hurting more towards the end of your interval then this is because your not bleeding as much. Some nation cant use tampons cause they hurt to much hope this help

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Your not puting it in right

Has anyone gotten Gardasil?

smaller tampon

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try using a paddd..

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No, there is zilch wrong with you. You are probably using to hulking of a tampon (super when a regular is sufficient, etc). Also, you may be removing it to soon after insertion (my dr. told me to leave it contained by at least 1 hour but no more than 4 hours). Or you may may be bleeding satisfactory for a tampon in the 1st place. In that satchel, use a pad (I loathe them but they are a necessary evil).

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