Sweating Problem?!!?

I know its kind of unexpected 2 ask this but is there anyway i can stop my sweating?i sweat way more than my friends do and i've even tried mens deoderent!! if u know anything that can minister to me th;en plz do so!!anything but going 2 the hospital to remove one of my sweating glands because i dont want 2 do that!PLZ HELP!!!

Question for ladies PLEASE!?

I have one and the same problem. It's called hyperhidrosis. Go to your doctor and find Drysol it will stop the sweating completely the first day you use it. Don't listen to the individual above. It will not cause welt or turn your clothes orange. Or you can try Certain Dri which isn't as strong but you can buy at any store. Both run on only at darkness a few times per week.I promise you they will work. The person below is right. Botox injections can stop sweating for up to a year but it is highly costly and insurance does not cover it.

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i enjoy that problem too. im embarrased about have huge sweat marks lower than my arms.. theres nothing you can do...what ever you do dont win perscribed deoderant by a doctor, you get welt under your arms and they sometimes turn your shirts red...dont ask y lol...sry i cant be more help

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there's not much you can really do except reduce the grill you are in and shrink physical activity. sorry.

Period ask! Please help!?

i get the answer to ur problem, atleast i hope i do, well anyways, i have the same problem as u a year ago, and someone told me to use anti-persperant, own u heard of it? all right if u havnt then it is a short time ago liek deoderant made for people beside crazy sweatign problems lol. it not only pervents sweating, but it also works in ur skin to assist reduce the productin of sweat glands in ur arm pits, it help me hope it helps u, plus if u want u can travel tell a doctor and see which deoderant he suggests for u, thats other helpfull . (and if u think thsi help please choose ti for the best answer lol) plzzz

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In a magazine that I read, it said that you can get shots surrounded by your glands that will reduce your sweating, but I forgot what the shot be called, sorry.

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hey hun! My friend have the same problem! She go to the doctor and he perscribed her this medicine you physically apply to your armpits its call "DRYSOL"... and omg it works so well..
shes other like wearing teeshirts and long sleeve shirts immediately and like "SEE NO SWEAT..."

It works super very well!!
hope i helped..goood luck!

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