How long can the spermatozoa second in the woman, after it have been ejaculate to fertilize the eggs?


Help me please?

Sperm, once inside a woman's body, can live from 1-5 days and still be able to fertilize an ovum (an egg). Therefore, the rythym method have a lot of issues, if you ruminate about how few days one is really even close to self 'safe' from pregnancy.

-Essin' Em,

!!urgent!! MorningAfterConcern!!?

72 hours if both party are healthy and the woman is ovulating. When she is not ovulating, the tartness of the vaginal secretions kill the sperm much more quickly.

The doctor put me on Naprosyn for my cramps is this unpromising?

once the egg has be fertilized all sperm is discontinued and why do you caution less than hours and its gone kara

Help me please!?

The maximum is usually five days, and simply if you have optimal cervical mucus, which is eggwhite or liquid. Sperm last longer surrounded by that fluid, which peaks shortly previously ovulation. If you have lately menstruated, or are due to again soon, sperm probably won't last more than a time or two, if they make it previous the hostile cervial fluid you have the rest of the month.

Check out this site for some honest more detailed information on this.

Endometrial Ablation for Heavy Periods ?

roughly 3-5 days, but 3 is the average - 5 is kind of long.

Do you start your interval on the same morning as your best friend?

Usually no longer than 2 days.

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