Could I be pregnant?

I'm eighteen and my boyfriend and I haven't had sex. We have done sexual comings and goings though, encluding heavy petting where he climaxed.

I'm almost a month tardy, and I'm usually very regular. My breasts are tender, but they usually are before I start. Also, I'm have slight nausua with cherry jelly beans and onion based soups. I'm retaining for a moment water. I'm moody, irritable and exausted, but that is also pretty adjectives before I start.

Is it adjectives to experience break-through bleeding on the Pill?

While the chance is small, you can draw from pregnant from the type of heavy petting that you describe. If it's been a month, you can lug a home pregnancy test. Even the kind from the dollar store are fine and are like brand we use at the hospital where I work. Good luck!

I have unprotected sex 3 months ago... i own be getting my regular time... im not on the pill or anything.

Well I think your simply off schedule its sounds similar to your gonna start soon. If you are worried take a test.

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