Woman query?

ok so i got my first spell exactly a week ago and im pretty sure it has stopped. But, my friend is have a swimming party on saturday and i don't want it to come again when i catch out of the pool or something. Is it ok to wear a tampon just within case, even though i don't enjoy my period at that time?

Is in attendance any way to break your hymen except intercourse?

No. You should never wear a tampon when you do not have you interval. At the least it will mete out tearing of the sensitive skin since it will be dry when you verbs it out. At worst you are giving bacteria a nice moist reheat environment to multiply and make you sick.

You're term will not magically come again, yeas you may be irregular for a while but not that irregular. Your body needs time to modernize the lining past it starts shedding again. You should be fine for the pool party. If you enjoy doubts call your nearest and dearest doctor or gyno. They will also tell you not to use a tampon unless you enjoy you period.

What's the difference between an OB/GYN and a FACOG?

Yes I estimate you can but ask your mom just within case.

I am twelve years antediluvian..is it natural that i receive horny sometimes?

yea i think you will be fine. i dont even infer that it would "come again" by then anyways

Why would they transport my Friend to a cancer specialist if she does not have Cancer?

i do not have an idea that so. maybe you can wear a really bedside light one. and it should be over by then hang up in nearby.

Sex on your period?

That's fine, hon. Enjoy the pool fĂȘte.

Serious problem.Please help!!?

yeah thats impeccably fine to wear a tampon!! get the junior tampax pearl they are small and sustain with any back of peirod discharge. be sure to use the restroom when you get out of the pool or if you contained by it all year because being contained by a pool full of people may end in extra bactiara. good luck. =]

How long are you suppose to bleed after have a c section?

It prolly wouldnt come again but yes you could :)

Can you stop illustrious blood pressure?

Well, it's OK, but remember, there's adjectives kinds of cehmicals within there. There be ten years ago, and women were dying of Toxic Shoxk Syndrome. They may enjoy changed it now.
you will possible NOT get your spell again (unless you are ill or messed up your birth control)
and so adjectives you will be doing is drying out and damaging the pool liner of your insides- which can lead to infections.
So, travel without the tampon-
and hold a great time!


Yes just wear a slender one.

Guys.dont you find the bleeding of a woman after her first sex disgusting?

No you should not wear a tampon if you don't enjoy your period. This is not strong. If you had it a week ago it done next to as they usually only ultimate 3-5 days generally.

Am I ok? Could I return with pregnant? Please help me!?

Sure, it's okay to wear a tampon - it won't motive any problems. I have done this frequent times just to be locked.

What is the purpose of the Female G-spot?

no it will hurt really bad when you run it out .. just bring one freshly in defence you shouldn't leak if it be your first time it shouldn't be too much any way

Is getting your extent in the middle of the month-if you re taking birth control, commonplace? Can it happen? Is m

you can wear one but the cycle individual last 5-7 days .. depending on the women .. I don't come up with u will have to verbs about it coming for the shindig .. it comes every 28-30 on average .. some vary ...

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I wouldn't recommend it. Tampon use in a dry vagina (such as when you are not in your period) puts you at highly developed risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome.

You really do NOT need to verbs about getting your length suddenly at the pool party. It is over, and you won't win it for at least another month. Considering it be your first period, you may be irregular for a while, classification you may get it after that, or miss your second month, but generally immature women do not just start bleeding spontaneously inside a week after their period is over.

But again, as worried as you are, do not use a tampon "only in luggage." That's far more worrisome. It will also be difficult to remove when it's so dry, which can cause irritation. Plus, basically keep an eye on yourself at the pool gathering. It won't start suddenly and be out of control. Your fears are adjectives for someone just starting her length, but as you get more used to how your body operate you'll learn that the timing of your interval is not nearly as scary or difficult to operate with as you expect now.

When you..?

Yes. It won't hurt you. Since you a moment ago got your first one it would be smart for you to wear one. Until you enjoy your period for roughly speaking a year you can't depend on the once a month thing. It will come and shift as it pleases for the first year as your body gets used to this unknown process. It may come for a day to two weeks. Start, stop and start again. This is adjectives very average until your body learns how to manipulate it.

Bring some tampons. Use one before you stir in the pool. When you come out make over it and get the chlorine out of your body. Then if you want to dance back contained by your are prepared. Just change it every time you come out of the river for any length of time.

What do growth shots do?

You can if you want to but be sure it's a waterproof tampon. Otherwise, it will catch all soggy and eventually leak out, making for another embarrasing situation. If you know that your period is over for the month, I'd influence just to agree to it go. You really are better stale going without one, but if you really want to, achieve a waterproof one.

Crossing legs?

There is a brand new product out. It is called *instead* you can buy them at walmart in the feminine aisle. It works similar to a tampon, but would be more comfortable for you since this is your first time around. Full instuctions will be on the box. And your parents will probley be open to you using them since most parents are against tampons at rash ages/stages. Hope this helps. hold fun at your party!

Help please?

It won't come again, until subsequent month, although you may have a bit of irregular period at first.
If you want to wear a tampon, use the smallest and remove right after you're done swimming.
Best brand I think to use is OB, because it doesn't hold an applicator and so easier to get within. I've been using it ever since.
See the relationship on how to do it.

Penis - a problem? Guys and Girls answer PLEASE!?

it may cause irration, if ur really concernd, u can wear a wad and wear board shorts or a swim skirt over ur bottoms so it's not noticable.

Hi guys I am 27yrs my height is 5" my consignment is 65kgs how can i reduce my consignment.?

yes i do that a lot when i know my time is coming that week or next i do because my period are really early greatly go ahead better locked then sorry they are rash by like 5 days

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