How much is too much?

Hi Guys,

I am 17 years old and am wondering how much strain is too much when on your period? They used to be nil but lately the pain get so bad from them, its crazy. Sometimes I newly have to totally stop what im doing and run lay down a certain channel. My 2 older sisters be already on birth control by the time they were around 15 from such painful and irregular period. Mine also aren't all that regular.

I would love to see the doctor for this, but I dont know how to move about about asking my parents.they may lately think I want to be on it so I can enjoy sex. They're just paraniod resembling that as im sure any parent would be.any advice on how to ask my parents in the order of the docs also?

Thanks VERY Much.


I don't get it!?

Periods can acquire nasty sometimes and you should definately speak to a gyn about your spell.
Depending on how long you've had your spell, it does take time to become regular.
Until you can speech to a doctor about it, try using a hot dampen bottle for your cramps, lay on your left side beside a pillow between your knees in a fetal close to position... but try to relax as you lay there.

Talk to your parents, or at tiniest you mom and tell her how discouraging your period is getting. Assure her that you arent going to enjoy sex and that you want the pill to help you own lighter periods. If you really discern you cant talk to them, dance to Planned Parenthood.

Good luck!

Licenced paramedic

What is the problem when one complains of one particular side hurting?

talk to your mum, as she understand what your going through,she may even go with you to see the doc to engineer sure it's nothing to serious, perchance one of your sisters could go beside you, either bearing you have to see the doctor to find out whats wrong!

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You inevitability to be honest with them.
Tell your mother your surrounded by major distress and need to be see by your Dr.
If she has gone through this near your sisters then she will take.

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