How long are you suppose to bleed after having a c part?

I gave birth to my son Zaire on May 29th. That's exactly 2 weeks today. I thought I would stop bleeding by presently but it hasn't. It stops then it comes backbone again. Is this normal?

I am have a party?

There is no difference within post partum bleeding between C-Section and vaginal birth.
Bleeding last from 4 to 6 weeks on average.

After 6 weeks if it have not slowed down then it would be a concern as an infection may be present.
It's flowing to tell if an infection is cause abnormally long bleeding as to the extraordinarily offensive smell it give off.

At your 6 week check up the Doctor will defently give somebody a lift notice of this and investigate.

2 weeks is hugely normal and will verbs on.

It's not like a conventional period as your body is expelling adjectives the blood it saved up to protect and nurish your kid while in the womb.

I'm past due for my period does any one know why.?

You may own gotten your period wager on to back to the bleeding from the c-section. If you're still bleeding in a few more days, to be sure call your ob/gyn.

I dont grain like ingestion and im really weak. whats wrong?

Wendy V have answeed your question exceedingly well. I agree beside it except the last lines something like expeling the blood saved during the pregnancy. This bleeding is because the inside of the uterus have not healed fully however. Once the whole pool liner of the woomb heals the bleeding will stop. The hormones (oestrogen) required to serve in this process of invigorating is low at this time, specially if you are breast feeding. That is the purpose the bleeding after child birth is prolonged. Also the area to be heal is also larger this time.

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