Why would they send my Friend to a cancer specialist if she does not hold Cancer?

plz help I am soooooooo worried plz minister to!


some diseases that they do not have satisfactory information about they treat beside chemo i wish i know the names but within are like a total of 100 diseases (probably more) that the doctors do not see plenty of they effect maybe 500 associates in the combined states a year and the only piece they know to do is treat with chemo also oncologists are VERY used to with immune systems so if at hand is an infection in there somewhere they know what to do to maintain the immune system strong and treat the problem without cause damage to the lenient so don't stress they know what they are doing and sometimes a precaution is a lot of give a hand i when i was pregnant they sent me to one to brand name sure that my blood count was where on earth it was suppose to be and the kid was ok because the doctors be a little concerned but everything be and is fine support your friend be there and PRAY for the best she will be fine even if it is cancer she can grasp through it knowing you are there and by her side but remember over partly the time it is usually nothing purely precautions it is best to be safe consequently sorry if you need someone to have a chat to email me and i will respond i promise both you and your friends are in my prayers and both of your loved ones members basically breathe and it will be ok smile and HUGS SWEETIE God bless and He has get your backs ok pocket care and it will be ok -giggles

Breast implant?

They may send her to serve determine IF she has cancer. She may own an unusual growth that an ordinary run of the mill Doc doesn't know much more or less.

Seasonale questioning?

if she is have severe head ache and pains in her/his head the doctor could hold thought it was a tumor or somthing approaching that, if so he/she propably would keep somthing approaching that private

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If You mean Her Doctor, probably because
in attendance may be a good opening She has cancer.
it's best to find out hasty, so they can treat Her.
( I really hope she doesn't ) Good Luck

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