Girls only and grown answers, please!?

I'm 13 years old and I masturbate. None of my friends do and none of them know I do, and one of them is only just disgusted at the thought of anything like that. Is it middle-of-the-road for a 13 year old?

What is yaz I never hear of it.?

yes it's all immaculately normal, it's comparatively possible that your friends might masturbate as well but they freshly don't feel comfortable plenty to talk give or take a few it. as for the one that just feel disgusted by it, well thats majority tool. it could be that she just hasn't accomplish that stage of her sexuality yet.

merely remember to lock your door so no one walk in on you.


It is without fault normal. Most ethnic group masturbate, they just don't collaborate about it. It is possible some of your friends do, too, and they simply don't want anyone to know they do. It is a natural mode to get to relish yourself safely.

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Yes, it is a everyday act. Not something that relations talk nearly openly though. The girl who is disgusted by it probably does it herself.

A Question For The Women Only! :)?

your friends are surrounded by denial
everybody masturbates and they lie if they read aloud they dont
trust me i read this is many books and website
it is thoroughly normal for a 13 year old

married relatives do it
it stars as young as 8 years old

they nouns disgusted because they wanna sound resembling they dont do it trust me they do they are just surrounded by denial

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Yes its normal, your friends probably do it too... they are basically embarrassed and don't want to agree about it!

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its average but if your friends don't know you do that then how do you know that they don't do it any?

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completely normal, its a section of life.also it let you know your body better :)

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Yes, It is fine, Just be careful.. Some girls developed sexually before others... I did too at your age and presently I am 16. Its ok Just be discreet about it. Because if that does win out you could get made fun of for it and it will crush you're self esteem. I can remember one in Middle institution and a few girls got made fun of for it and yeah, it kill them But its perfectally normal, No worries honey!

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Sexual awareness happens to populace at different ages. It is perfectly crude for a 13 year old girl to indulge in masturbation. I really hope your "disgusted" friend learn that masturbation is not a dirty word but a healthy expression of ones sexuality. Knowing yourself, your like and dislikes, creates a healthier partnership when you receive into a sexual relationship when you are older (much elder *wink*)

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yes, its normal ppl lately dont like to speech about it it may be shameful to them

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whats that be going to....I'm finding out....ewwwww... you perv! why do you do this... gross ! PERV you all are adjectives soooooo NASTY

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It is completely commonplace. You are finding out about YOUR body and you can do next to your body as you please. You are finding out what you like and dislike, and your friends shouldn't be capable of tell you to do it or not or whether or not it is polite or not for you. It's actually be medically prooven that masturbation is good for your robustness, but don't ask me how, cause I'm not really sure. I started masturbating around alike age (TMI, sorry) so it's completely normal. Have fun exploring your body!

Can this be time threaning?

Yes, it is normal for anyone beside sexual urges. Your friends probably do it too. They just don't want to allow it. Also don't worry in the region of what others think.. what you do is your business and never consent to someone else tell you whats right for you.

Hope this help : )

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i focus its normal for teens to explore their bodies , but u dont necessitate to get atatched to it. i also dont consider this is shoudl be somethign up for discussion, ist ur private area and ist call that coz whatever conects to it is ur own business just. so dont go aorund ask kids ur age for approval and if poepl who are elder here told u its ok, then that doenst tight u have to do it to prove ur gettin elder . be urself
good luck

Why does it other seem that my mentrual cylce starts like peas in a pod time as the closest friend of mine?

It's perfectly mundane huni, I started at 12 and I still do it regularly. I'm in a long permanent status relationship and I still do it sometimes, it's just a inbred thing that women do. It's honourable to do it too, it's safer than sex and it can be just as suitable, also it lets you swot about yourself and what you relish so when you're old adequate to have a sexual relationship your not gonna be forced into anything you don't savour!

Some girls don't start til later, and some don't do it at adjectives, although I'd say it is more run of the mill to than not, and your certainly not too young at heart too. If your friends are reacting similar to that ignore them, they are any immature or don't really make out it. Probably best to drop the subject until they're old adequate to admit it!

So don't verbs babe, keep enjoy yourself, and remember your happier than your mates!!


Is this mundane? what could be wrong?

yes its sooooo normal

Whats the accord?

It's not just a boy piece, girls your age often do it too. Boys start at your age. Girls commonly don't get into it latter. Don't worry if your friends are doing it or not. If they aren't very soon they will be eventually. So don't stress over it.

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It is usual, the other girls may not be telling you the truth.

What would arise if a pregnant woman were given a depo provara birth control shot.?

yes its typical people merely dont talk in the region of it cause its embarising so no worries

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yes its just your hormones and i bet your friends sectrettly do to they freshly don't want anyone to judge them including that girl who think its disgusting almost EVERYBODY thats a preteen or teen masturbates

p.s. but some of your friends might not everybody masterbates at one period of in that life but some don't start till later

soak up

Mature Women only please.. this is exceptionally serious and i need serious answers?

Yes, it is totally normal. Whether we close to to admit it or not, most of us do masturbate on a regular foundation or have tried it at some point. It could be that your friends consistency embarressed to tell anyone nearly it, as in our society it is thought of as "bad" and "disgusting" for girls to do such things. Also, some may discern guilty because of religion. But believe it or not we all do anyway! As far as for why you are doing it, it is your hormones...also it is organic to explore yourself and find out how your body responds. Masturbation is actually nutritious! And yes, I do it, too. I'm 14.

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ya its normal.they probably do cept they dont utter it cuz they think that near freindz'll think its unusual

Women.. I need some sustain.. =\?

Don't listen to what people make clear to you. You are 13, so am I, I masturbate too. And if they ever say that's not regular that you masturbate, maybe THEIR not common. it is healthy to masturbate at this age. You are growing up!=)

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Some associates are not going to admitt that they do your friend might just de surrounded by denial.It is perfectly average for girls your age to masturbate trust me on this on.

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