My nipples are sore does any one know what may'be the produce of that?
it may be your time of year
Does this make me a doomed to failure person..(please answer)?
Pms or even pregnancy can wreak sore soap used in laundry,new bra,tweaking,pregnant
Do birth control pills boost your libido?
titi twister?Why do women's butts wiggle when they totter and men's don't?
~Captain Jack is correct. If you're going through menopause and taking hormones, it could be that you need to cut pay for.Or, your boyfriend sucked too hard, too long. That's the most plain answer.~
I dont want to offend anybody, but wats the best channel of removing hair from "down there"?
sore nipples- periodsore boobies- pregnant
Breakthrough bleeding.. period?
your nimplesbeing sore could be due to:your period, menopause if you are in that age group,hormonal disparity,cancer, or on a lighter note-----someone kissed them too hard.If they become bothersome,later see an you have kids,
u might be a couple months pregnant.
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