I know shaving your pubic fleece is a personal preferance but i still i dont know what to do.?

I've heard ladz at my skool say aloud thats its sick if u shave your pubes but then populace get in tatters if they dont. Im confused and thats the only piece stopping me from becoming sexually active. Im thinking roughly speaking waxing but i dont know if its majority. Im not sure what people my age are doing. Please dont articulate the usual about its up to you because i know that and my choice is to shave because i surface betta and i feel cleaner but i seize shavin rash and its really objectionable thats why im thinking about wax. I feell better about myself when i shave but that will adjectives change if own sexual intercourse and he just laughs at me or tell everyone. Im nearly 16 aswell btw before you wonder what im doing thinking more or less having sex. I know i should know because im nearly 16 and you probabley come up with im weird but ive never be told so how should i be expected to know.

Answers:    I'm suprised that boys at your school say "its sick" to shave the area. Thats not what most guys reason. Do what makes you have a feeling good, and don't do anything to please anyone else. If you are going to enjoy sex, it should be with someone you safekeeping about and really trust. Definatley not a guy who you judge will laugh and telltale about you. Goodluck!
progress ahead and shave, i do and make him wear a rubba honey Being simply 16 doesnt mean you should know, you are still childish. If your planning to have sex beside someone, it should be for the right reasons, and the right guy. He unmistakably isnt the right guy if u are worried he will laugh at you. It is your own choice but presume wisely, create after u loose ur virginity there's no getting it back.
As for the shaving, i use veet cream, but still go and get the redness. u will also take the redness after wax. the best way to treat it is by exfoliating the nouns every day and moisturising it too.
I hope u label a wise outcome about have sex. dont rush into anything. x
If you want to remove pubic hair for the first time, I would NOT recommend shaving. It will with the sole purpose grow back thicker and will contribute you razor bumps..
I suggest you wax it first, the fuzz is at its thinnest right now and when it grows backbone a month later, it will be easier to control. I also use Veet or Nair, no pain :) I am 53 and have the same agony roughly whether or not to shave my legs and underarms at your age as you are having something like shaving your pubic hair. I will pass by on what my Mom once said to me.

"Once you start, your hair will grow fund darker and coarser. "

My warning would be only shave at this age if you wear bikinis and the mane would otherwise show.

The pubic hair serves pious purposes in form and hygiene, otherwise.

I did not start shaving my pubic area until my husband (my second) asked it of me, and later I only do it irregularly. In other words I do it for my own reason, not because what anyone else thinks I should (or should not do). Why should the belief of some girls in gym class (who may be so insecure more or less themselves and their bodies that they have to put other girls down for something, so they can surface better about themselves), be the raison d`??tre of any of your actions?

So adjectives in adjectives, I would say trim, but not shave, for presently. Regarding waxing, if you never hold done it, have it done on another body cog first, like legs. If you can stand the agony, then you can consider have it done on a more sensitive body part. Doing it yourself does cut down on the anguish, but may not be as effective.
Wow, kids grow up promptly these days, don't they? I wouldn't own thought that being 15 would show that you should know this. You don't even drive for goodness sake. What will you do if you procure pregnant? Ask your mommy to take you to the baby's pediatrician visit? Get real. You own to think of the consequences of your sexual diversion before you enjoy sex even for the first time. Because, guess what? No matter what type of birth control you use, it is not 100%. I own 2 friends at work who had babies while they be on birth control pills. And my best friend also got pregnant on the pill. She have an ectopic pregnancy and almost died. Are you really ready for adjectives of this at the tender age of 15? Don't have sex a moment ago because your friends are all doing it. That's not a aim. Wait until you are ready to pinch on the responsibilities of what COULD happen. And breed sure the guy you have sex beside is someone that you really care roughly speaking and can see yourself wanting to spend time with for the rest of your energy. Because, face it, if you do wrapping up up making a baby together, you may hold to see each other for 18 years.
When you deem about the unadulterated issues of life, who care whether you shave or wax?

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