Can this be time threaning?

i have endometreisos. is it true it get more painful as time go on. im 21 and the doctors wont take everything out because im too youthful and im trying to get pregnant adjectives on top of this. will i ever draw from pregnant? any advise roughly this or good websites


Birth controlis it regular?

My cousin had endometriosis and have two kids before getting a hysterectomy. Before getting pregnant, she have to be treated for a few months with Lupron Depot shots.

I have endometriosis too, but haven't tried to get pregnant even so. I had a severe and tremendously painful overnight case and my doctor treated me with Lupron Depot shots for 9 months. The side effects weren't nice, but it definitely cleared up my endometriosis.

Lower right side of my back?

found this site perchance this will help

Puberty !!?

I hold a friend of mine who has severe endometriosis and she is getting set to have her 3rd little one that is hope :) Although after this baby they are doing a hysterectomy due to the endo.

Opinion on birth control?

I enjoy a friend at church who has have issues like what you are going through. It have taken her many years to gain pregnant, but she finally did. Keep praying & don't give up, it will develop.

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