Could not eating plenty . . .?

CAn not eating satisfactory stunt your growth. I used to have an drinking disorder where i worked out alot and didn't drink enough to compensate. I struggled near this really bad from roughly age 12 to age 13and then slightly struggled near it from age 14 to 15 or so and am now 17 and don't struggle beside it anymore. I've never really had a growth "spurt" i've of late grown a very small amount here and within and it's only be about 2 inches since the age of 12. I solely started havning my period around a year ago. I am pretty short, only roughly speaking 5.2. Thankfully, I am at a healthy shipment now , almost 105lbs. or more. could i have stunted my growth? Could i still grow more? Any input would be greatly appreciated = )

Did anyone of you ever try Pantogar? How's it? Ever hear of it at least?

I infer you can stunt your growth by not eating ample. You are probably not done growing yet though. Ask your doctor in the order of it as well. It is a apposite question.

The tablets and health information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes single and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions.

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