Whats the concord?

I did not get one stretch dot the entire time I was pregnant...Then 1 week subsequent I get riddled near 11 littls stretch marks right below my belly button. Is it everyday that they showed up after I had the newborn? Does it have anything to do near the fact that I have a C-Section?

Suffering with a uneasy pain around my right eye?

the sense why it shows up now is because immediately is when your skin is un stretching and going back to its average size when tissues in your skin be used to being expanded and so it leaves those scarrs

Weight Help!!?

I've heard that they can show up after, it's faultlessly normal! ^_^

Why are my period more frequent, heavier and longer?

its normal, no worries.

Causes of friendly cervix? open cervix dicey for future pregnancy?

after the skin finally is relaxed...they can show up....its zilch ugly its basically a side effect of something beautiful......

Am i too downy?

Has to do with your skin stretching so much and going backbone down. They were near when you were preggo lately very fluffy that's all.

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