Mature Women solely please.. this is very serious and i necessitate serious answers...?

I have be with my boyfriend for a few years and we are getting married this July. Since the year i met him, I was so reverberatingly in love, and my state of mind have not changed. For roughly 2 and a half years we own been sexually involved and our sex life is great. But lately, for something like the past 7 months, I hold not wanted to enjoy any type of sexual activity at adjectives. I still love him and it has nil to do with that.

I own depression, anxiety and bi-polar.. could that possibly have anything to do beside it? Or is it all of the insane stress i stir through from my job, our nuptial, and money issues? Or do you think it could be something to do beside our relationship?

I have talk to him and he understands. Some night we will try, and im just not into it at adjectives! I need lend a hand and suggestions... thank you all.

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What type of meds are you on for the depression etc... you described? The side effects on some of the medicine effect loss of interest in sex. Read the paper you are given near your refills or look it up on WebMd. Talk to the one that give you the medicine and see if they can't fashion an adjustment. It's a good entry you can talk this stuff out so impulsive in your relationship. I hope you maintain it up. Good luck and God bless.

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you are on the right track. i would say it is the medical issues and the stress adjectives combined..try to relax a little (i know its hard) and if you mention it to your doctor he will probably be capable of give you something to aid your sex drive. best of luck to you!!

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Its NOT the relationship, i don't know how many populace like you I've told this to, but whenever sex isn't going on, the relationship isn't falling apart, I'm afraid its one of your life's heaps issues...

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Yes to adjectives of the above. Depression, anxiety, stress, have adjectives been clinically allied to reduced sex drive. If your relationship is still good and loving otherwise, consequently no worries. As long as he loves you enough to read between the lines.

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are you taking medication for any of this?or even birthcontrol? all of these can affect your desire for sex.check the side effects on any meds you're taking. if its not meds, parley to you doc if it continues. stress could have something to do near it.

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I fell bad for you but what I ponder u should do is ask him do you truely love me. Love isnt about sex. Im sure hes the superlative guy for you but maybe its to soon.

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It could be the medication you are on for your depression, anxiety, and bipolar. These drugs are known for lowering the sex drive. Your doctor might know how to switch your medication to something that will work better for you.

Kinda akward question but girls i have need of to know?

If your taking medication or had a recent evolution in medication for the bi-polar it can manifestly kill the sex drive. Stress can slaughter the sex drive as well. Try planning an effortless night out and not putting stress on have sex.Sometimes that makes it even more difficult. If you are on medication afterwards you can talk to your doctor roughly finding a different medication that may have smaller amount of an effect on your libido.

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It could be your medication. I was taking anti-depressants for awhile and lost my desire completely. It can also be a rework in your hormones which is adjectives as you get elder. Have you switched any psychotropic drugs recently? If you don't devise it's the medications, articulate to your doctor about hormonal change and see if he/she can help you near that. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

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Getting married is a big step. Do you have a psychoanalyst to talk around your feelings? I would wonder if your body is trying to explain to you something about how all set you feel to marry your boyfriend. Or, possibly you're starting to feel secure enough contained by your relationship with him that you're primed to process abuse issues from childhood (if near are any).

In any case it sounds close to you've got a biddable guy. I hope you'll find a neutral personality to talk to so you can start to delve into the issues and numeral out what's going on. If you want to talk privately quality free to email me.

Edit: Oh yikes!! The medication!! That's very expected the cause if you have any change surrounded by meds around that time.

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I think it may in recent times be stress from all the preparation for the matrimony and your future together. Just steal everything one step at a time and one day at a time, and it will work out fine. Congratulations & I desire you both the best!

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This is probably of late all this stress.Also, if you are not into sex right very soon and your future husband understand its ok.You might be stressed or you might be nervous.If the marrige is coming to briskly then you should glitch it.If this keeps stirring after you get married consequently you should contact a doctor about depression

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It could be stress-related. Or it could be what my husband and I be going through where we be getting bored with the sex enthusiasm. We ended up trying unsullied routines and these worked

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hey, its adjectives of the above.. this kind of stuff is usual in a relationship. at lowest he is understanding. try to show him discomfort, and as much physical and emotional intimacy as possible. I don`t know check on getting on medication, or changing if you already are on some.

Extremely long, extremely irregular extent?

its b/c of all that you mentioned but you might want to suggest about it more b/c theres a possiblity it might be him that make you not want to have sex near him so think something like while you can. also think positive dont agree to negative things acquire into your life

Period problem?

It could be the stress, depression etc. If you are on medication for your depression/bipolar disorder, this could also bring you to not want sex. You should speak to you doctor if this is the case. Congratulations and best of luck beside you upcoming wedding.

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do not worry at adjectives, it is a temporary interval, you just answered your query by saying, depression, planning for the nuptial, and money issues, may dear nothing wrong beside you at all, you are as a rule perfect it of late your brain is not concentrating. because of those your wedding, money and etc. i enjoy been their, do not verbs, and you know what is the most beautiful item here that you both are in love even if it be the first or second year that is it ,you are support , this is more important than anything else in the world love, so if you do not want to own sex try to do alternative stuff, does not have to be sex , try by loving him more and him loving you put money on. that work. and congratulation on your wedding, and please only just enjoy it it is once a life span so take a break and breath, and look at the man you enjoy chosen to spend your life near. good luck :), money depression comes and run, one day up and sometime down, .

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Yes depression and also the meds taken for depression can cause a low libido; also you might want to tell to a therapist and explore any denial feelings you hold towards sex.

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