Why are you SO hungry sometimes during PMS?

Does all the food that you eat burn itself past its sell-by date because your metabolism is rasied at that time? Or are you stuck with adjectives the fatty foods until you work it off your self? Basically...is it a free week?


Your hormones shift. Hormones effect so many body functions, including hunger.

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you are losing blood therefore necessitate nurtishment.


idk i have relized that too! But next again i am always hungry! lol But the explanation you hold seems probable! :)

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I get like mad of craving at PMS time, and it can be tough to fight them stale. It is not free week. If you over indulge, you will gain weight. Try ingestion more protein. That seems to lend a hand me.

I was wondering whether getting your time on time can be the actual sign that you are not pregnant?

i'm never hungry...weird.

What is wrong beside me? Is this normal or what?

Hormones are the primary produce of cravings. It's similar to what happens while women are pregnant. These hormones trigger tastebuds to crave infallible foods in decree to prevent anemia and other nutrient deficiencies. Think of it as your body "preparing" itself for change.

What was this sentiment?

its different for different girls like me i receive like a refuse disposal a week before my extent but thats just me

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I'm other starving BEFORE my term, but have NO appetite when I'm truly on it. Hormones are wacky.

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the hormones going through your body clear you have strange cravings and want to guzzle.

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