Period Question?-girls simply please..?

When you have a child does you period stop..and im 13 and haven't have my period is this common?? Is in attendance a very very accurate tampon on the market...Im soo scared to enjoy my period!

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heh, I'm no female, but one of my friends have the same problem, she was terrified to have her first period too, she told me that it wasn't prickly or anything, so don't worry, you'll get through it fine =D

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Your term stops when you become pregnant (usually, occasionally they can continue, but with most inhabitants they stop). But when you've had the child they usually return a few weeks later, unless the woman is breastfeeding - consequently they don't usually return until she has finished breastfeeding. Most women have period (except for when pregnant) until their late forties to early fifties.

I don't know where on earth you come from or what brands you have if you're in a different country to me, but contained by England, Tampax is probably the best brand. If you are worried about using tampons at first, try using sanitary towels or pads, and start using tampons when you go and get a bit more used to having periods.

And yes it's completely run of the mill not to have had your interval yet. Some girls don't get theres until as slow as 17 or so! I think the most common time for girls to start is around 13-15 so you're completely majority.

And try not to be scared hun! I won't lie, it isn't fun, but you carry used to it! And except for a bit of mild crampiness which you may get from time to time it doesn't hurt at all. I reflect on most people are embarrased at first but you'll soon grow to learn that adjectives women have them and there is zilch to feel awkward about! Try and confer about them with your friends if you don't already - everyone might be waiting for one individual to break the ice so they can discuss how they feel almost it. It's all part of anyone a woman!

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When you say have a child do you aim when you are pregnant? If that is what you are asking then yes you do because when you hold your period it means that you are fertile. I get my period around the age of thirteen but you can get your interval anywhere from age 9 to 15. About a year before your period starts you will start to bring a white discharge. If you want more information on when it might start ask your mom, usually yours will start around the same age hers did. As for tampons I started out using pads after went onto tampons. If you want to use tampons find one with a plastic applicator.

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when you are pregnant, your time of year stops for the 9 months the baby is inside of you and then you find it again a couple of months after the baby is born. You will have it until you are surrounded by your late 40s-early 50s (this is called menopause)

It is adjectives that you haven't had your period and you will capture it soon (and ENJOY the days up intil you get it!) Just use pearl tampons or Playtex. There is nothing to be afraid of, lol! Its completely common and you will get sooo used to it. I know a few girls who did not get it until they be in high academy. Some get it before 11 years of age!
So stop worrying, you will be okay!!

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no it go throughout ur life untill menapause and then u procure a hairey lip or something as i am told.. its not uncommon u must be very skinny though.. yeah u should bring back slender.. Dont worry when you get it u will seize used to it, its like a mean aunt that comes to stay next to u once week every month and she just pisses u off at first but after awhile u tolorate her and are used to her

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No your spell doesn't stop when you have a baby. It stops when you're approaching 55 or something. Some people get in attendance period when they're 16 sometimes or some girls can get it when they're 10. So it adjectives depends on your body.

Girlz individual!?

sometimes you can have minor bleeding during pregnancy, but not really

i didnt get my time until i was 14 going on 15... dont worry... chitchat to your mom...i like playtex tampons.. they are very reliablle

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