What is wrong with me? Is this usual or what?

first off im on birth control and enjoy been for 4 years and this is the 1 st time this have happened. I be 2 days late but when i started my interval ran its common course but insted of being 6 days it be 4. Normally i'll start on Sunday and end on on the following saturday. Well, i started on Tuesday and endned on Saturday..it be all okay afterwards i had another interval a week later at first wishy-washy light spotting after a little heavier but not as calorific as my normal flow. and it last 3 or 4 days then finished, well very soon it has be like 3 weeks since i have sex and it hurts really bad when my bf tries to step in i mena it brought tears to my eyes...and i know i didnt "srink back" because we are terrifically active. please help

Miscarraige misadvice? Dr. said uterus would expell everything on its own. Is that true?

this is call amenorehia, and happens from anorexia. however, you might be on a pill thats too low a dose of hormones, and you might want to go up to a greater dosage.

I dont know how to use a tampon and i have to jump into water?

see a doc your p is not sopposed to be approaching that when your on your p birth control is sopposed to regulate or irregulate see a doc asap

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