Puberty; do this affect physical & internally change within my body?!?

i'm a girl... plzzzz could u help me w/ this i can't adjust what's arranged 2 my body.... can someone advice me some details or explain this tnx guys...

How do you lose chubby and tighten up the skin?

You will adjust. Just be patient and everything works out ok.

Ladies Please!?

you'll adjust.... it just take time! trust me im a girl a really really hot one!

Why arent i menstruating?

Because the changes can begin so fast it can be awfully overwhelming. Pls be patient but your body will adjust. Pls discuss to your mom about your concerns as okay and if you can't pls go to a trusted grown friend.

When I first started going thru puberty I was a bit overwhelmed at first too so I commiserate with you.

Sudden bulk gain?

Your body changes when you hit puberty because it is letting you know you are becomming a women. It pepares your body so it is fit to convey a child - thats why you grow breasts, why your hips widen, and why you start ovulating. Its a inborn thing, and its something we own to put up with for almost partly of our life. Be proud you are womanly and flaunt it :)

Girls/wemon please help i am an hysterical wreck right now!?

There are so heaps good books on this subject.
'Everygirl' is one of them....should know how to get it second paw.
Puberty is a natural portion of life; it is confusing, you will be artificial mentally, physically and emotionally.
hang contained by there, read adjectives you can about feminine bodies - the more you know the better you will deal beside yours over the next few years...hence the safer you will be.

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